Wednesday, September 6, 2023

It doesn’t seem right,,,

  Car of the day:

 Customized cars of my youth.

So for today:

Parents burying their children, We are seeing so many YOUNG(er) people pass on before us, and it doesn’t seem right.  I am not complaining about our long years (comparatively) but about seeing someone younger die….

Just this week the Herron family in Georgia buried one of our 2nd cousins.  He fell in his garage and hit his head, giving him an injury that took his life.

Now I am hearing  of more young folk with Covid. Old folk alike, but I like to see an active young person get to live to be old and enjoy life.

Take care of yourself and eat well. Get some exercise. I just read an OLD lady’s statement, she was over 100 years and still worked part time. Of course she was asked her menu for long life she said, “Just keep moving, don’t stop.” 

Simple but true.  NOW of course none of your plans, vitamins and supplements don’t stop Mr, Stroke or that sorry Mr. Cancer. Once they have their talons in you.

Anyway, I had that on my mind.

I am smiling We went for a walk and saw George Painter out at his huge muscadine bushes. He came over to the road and we passed some time. George was the Absolute Best Heating and A/C man around. We were in the USMC at the same time, I am a month older than he.

He misses his sweet wife and has not remarried. He said, “Jack there aren’t many 84 yr old men walking around, but there are plenty 84 yr old women.”

Sherry laughed and asked if he was seeing anyone, he said no, not interested…

George just shut his business down last year. He is enjoying himself and staying busy.

Just keep moving…..

Nite Shipslog

PS: Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your time..



Mevely317 said...

What a great attitude you and George have. (Sherry, too!) I read something recently attributed to Clint Eastwood on the eve of his 88th birthday: "I get up every day and don't let the old man in."

Given the opportunity, I want to be just like y'all when I grow up!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm slow but I keep trying every day. I get up and do what I can to my ability and make do with what I have. As long as we're living we do have to keep moving.

Susie said...

Jack, I know what you are saying. Boy you are right about ,"keep moving". My mom used to say if you don't move your joints will lock up till you can't move. So I try my best to get some chores done or walk in the house around each room to get exercise. I would walk outside but dang it's too hot. Keep holding Sherry tight. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
p.s. sorry about your cousin.