Monday, September 18, 2023

The Winne is back home.

  Car of the day:

1935 Pontiac with a 'tag-a-long' RV.


So for today:

A few weeks back we took the Winnebago to the only RV place that agreed to look at our faulty jacks.  Jacks have become a ‘necessity’ like other conveniences in life.  With jacks you can live in a level environment even in hills.  Being in Florida a lot we seldom find a REAL need for the jacks, but they are always nice to steady the RV.

I did not expect it to be FIXED but hoped the mechanic could tell us what is wrong with them. Well they kept us on edge until the last minute, but they did come thru and let us know that we needed Three major parts costing neatly $1000 but they did not have them in stock.


BUT we did bring our Winne back home and now we can pack her tomorrow, tie the Honda behind it and drive to Florida. 

This is our latest RV, a 2005 Winnebago Adventurer. It is 36 feet with 3 slide outs.  This one is Gasoline powered by a Ford engine. we only get about 7 miles to a gallon, that hurts. ;-O

Many folks do not believe I would rather drive the coach than pack a suitcase, but I do actually prefer it.  It was much simpler when we lived full time in an RV, everything we needed was there just like at home,,,,, because it was home.


Now we must be careful to make sure we have what we need. Before we pull anchor and set sail. We both are looking forward to this trip VERY MUCH.


Son Jack Jr. will be left here to take care of the house so we will not have to be concerned about that.


We might see some of the family while in Florida. Every once in awhile someone will want to come to Disney or other attractions and drop by to see us.  We try to have at least one spare bed in the area.

That is it for today.  I might skip a few days as we settle.

Thanks for stopping by….


Nite Shipslog

PS: I appreciate your time.. Makes us feel good to know you were here,….


Victor S E Moubarak said...

Enjoy your holiday, Jack and Sherry. I hope you have good weather and great fun.

God bless always.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You must be so very happy to b\e able to get on your way! Hope you have a fun and safe trip! I'm sure Winnie will be happy to have you home. Lucky you going south for the winter. Hopefully I'll be able to do a little of that myself. Not in an RV but I have relatives that live south to visit.

Mevely317 said...

You may get a kick out of this (or not). I was playing the 'dumb blonde' card last night and asked Tom, "Are jacks really all that critical?"
When he got to the part about toilets, I shut up. (LOL)

Wishing y'all safe travels and good times ahead!

salemslot9 said...

My Uncle Bobby helped build
Disney World in Florida
before it was opened
And many years after
He would always have free tickets
Share them with us
When we visited
Many thanksgivings together 🏰🎢🎡