As we passed through Nashville yelling at Sonya, you could hardly see the skyline due to fog.

I liked this pink van, advertising a radio station. And the entry signs to the attractions.

This is approcahing the waterworks building on the right , very elaborate.

A beautiful view of I-40
Below is Sherry!

My Girl driving on Interstate 40 Approaching Arkansas.

Going over the mighty Mississippi

Entering Arkansas as we cross the Mississippi

Looking South down the River we changed drivers, good looking profile!

Leaving I-40. We have been on I40 since Asheville, NC a beautiful drive.

I know I have seen the Mississippi Delta, but this still amazes me Thousands and thousands of acres of fertile farm land.

Here is cotton ready to be picked with Pecan trees in the distance.

Entering Lepanto, Ark, pop about 2,100 souls.

We pulled into the parking lot of the 'Real Pointe Church', Sherry got me disconnecting our TOAD.

YOu didn't think I could run, but when you gotta go you gotta go!!! Sherry thinks this is funny.
Thanks for coming by the log.
Nite Ships log
WE are boon docking here in the parining lot. The nearest RV park is 28-38 miles away, we will go there tomorrow.
Good morning you 2. It is 5:41 AM. Loved the pictures. Thought the profile of 5th picture down was very attractive. Joe has been able to run also when it comes to that type visit. We went to Graceland while Joe and I were still working,on vacation in July and the air was so humid and hot I had to go to the car. The sun was shining and all of a sudden it rained straight down. no wind and when it stopped it was hard to breath. Rain didn't last but maybe 5 minutes. We didn't know Elvis had a ranch in Mississippi either until it showed it way off in the distance on CNN. Take care and enjoy yourself in Arkansas.
I give you both a big hand in being able to drive that RV with the SUV behind it. Great pictures. Helen
Beautiful pictures. We can run when we have to,
I think our bladder is about the size of a pea.
Glad you made it I wish you can park in the
Church lot until the Church Job is finished.
We are having cold rain.
Hi Jack and amazes me that you are driving that RV...I are just a little thang...and that RV is so BIG!!! LOL...and about that profile...hmmm??? and running...??? Arkansas air is giving new life to ya??? LOLOL...glad you had an enjoyable trip...and keeping you in prayers to be safe...and for the family back home!!! hugs to ya...Ora in KY ps..yesterday morning we were in cracker barrel having late breakfast...a big rv pulled in with a tow..and I jumped up and went to the window to see license plate...just knew it was you guys..LOL..but was disappointed!!!??? oh well...happy day to ya both
way to go Sherry for driving that motorhome!!! I truly admire you!!
beautiful land you traveled across!! that must have been fun to cross the Mississippi, although I'm sure it was one of many times you have :)
enjoy your stay in Arkansas
I know that bridge over the Mississippi very well. Traveled it a lot from Kansas to home. Have a safe trip and get back to NC soon...Sheila
Nice Pictures, Enjoyed the Views along the way, We are getting ready for a COLD night, we are expecting a "Noreaster" to blow in from New England off the Atlantic and an "Artic Cold Front" to come down from Canada, it calls for lots of SNOW but the way it looks it will be down South of us and into PA. Glad ya made it!!
I was thinking the same thing as evryone else. Tiny Sherry--big motor home with car behind. I feel as if I've been on a trip looking at the pretty pictures. We did a little trip yesterday to Bandera.
Sherry looks so comfy driving that huge motorhome. If that were me attempting to drive such a monster it would scare the **** outta.....oh, oh, I see it did you too, hahahaha. Just teasing!
I'm glad you made it there safely. Thanks for sharing the pics.
Love ya'll
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