Hello out there. While in Kentucky we got to meet some bloggers. On the last day we passed Man-o-war Boulevard and some castle to meet with the Great Ora and Mixon in Lexington. WE pulled into the WAl Mart parkinglot. Mixon and Ora pulled up and we did a lot of hugging. It was great to meet them. WE only get to see Mixon, who is a retired Chaplain, sitting at his computer table. We got to see the desk and their place. Mixon is a great handy man and had made a great addition to the house and the Garage. WE did get to talk about 'inspectors'. That is builders favorite subject. HA!

They too came into our Motor home for a visit here we are sitting on the couch in our living room. I uploaded a few more pictures but the system has died three times. I am afraid I am getting nothing up if I don't quit.
We had a super time and it was such a joy to converse with Ora about her implant. I figure soon I will have to make the decision. It is hard to express the feelings of finally meeting folks we feel like we know. Ora and Mixon are a super couple and made us feel at home. We drove away with a shopping bag full of books.
I got to meet Max for a mnute before he was banished. I never did see Pickle.
Take care, I am going to try to get this on Blogger.
NIte Shipslog.
How exciting to meet people you blog with.
You have a good 2 days of having fun meeting
bloggers. Glad you are back in NC. The rain
is suppose to stop tomorrow and be back in the 70's thank goodness.
So glad you got to meet some more blogger friends...great pics! I feel very blessed that we got to meet you all while you were in Kentucky....it's not everyday you get to meet friends you have known a couple of years via the internet, but feel as if you have known them for years! It was great!
Love ya'll
Hugs Terri
Glad that you got to meat Ora and Mixon. They seem like a really nice couple. Her pictures and your both were great. Have a nice night. Helen
I'm so happy for all of you that you were able to meet in person and you enjoyed your time spent with Ora & her husband. It really is hard to describe the feeling you have when meeting blogging friends face to face for the first time.I know I will always cherish the memories of meeting you & Sherry.
I'm glad you guys enjoyed your visit to KY and you had a safe trip home. I hope you didn't have to drive in rain all the way home, it's been raining here all day and it looks like we have heavier rain moving in for tonight.
Love ya'll
Hi Jack and Sherry...it is raining here today...all day LOL...and Jack...Max was banished to the house with Pickle...Pickle was probably hiding under the bed...she is not socialble like me LOLOL...maybe next time??? and thanks for the brunch...and the good words...I think hubby likes you too!!!!! love and hugs...Ora and her secret
Nothing in the world like seeing the smiles on
the faces of friends, you two had some great
opportunities to do that, and I know those folk
in NC are happy you're back!
So glad everyone got to get together. So the Kentucky bloggers got to meet the wandering bloggers? I think everyone looks so happy. Just a great time was had by all, you can tell by the smiles.
OH wow sounds like you all had a good time.
how wonderful to meet more fellow bloggers!! looks like you all had a great time! love all the smile! Southern California is just a hop and a jump from your neck of the woods; putting on the coffee pot :)
How great that you met some bloggers! That's so much fun!
How lucky can one guy (and girl) get...meeting two different bloggers on one trip!? Had to be some fun times. Now get busy on those leaves at Shirls...ha. Take care, Sheila
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