Gotta eat, having pintos and corn bread. Be right back. gonna put this on so I don't lose it. ................... Now I am back.... Sherry also had lettuce slaw, it was delicious.

WE are enjoying just knowing a little more about our favorite writer. Way to go John!!!! He has sold ove sixty million of his books.
WE never did see the movie, so Sherry says find it and order it. NOW! So that is next on the agenda.
WE never did see the movie, so Sherry says find it and order it. NOW! So that is next on the agenda.
Today I ripped out a bath tub to get ready to replace it. That is usually a very tough job, but this one will not be too bad. I don't have to rush so someone can take a bath. No one lives in the house right now.
The tub and surround it in the back of the van right now, ready to head to Lepanto in the morning. I stll can't believe there is not a closer place to park this motor home. HA!
I have always liked to live close to my jobs. Thanks for coming by the log.
Nite Shipslog.
From a synopsis of the movie....It is Luke's personal mission to earn enough money picking cotton to be able to afford a new coat of paint for the Chandler house. But as harvest time approaches, a number of plot complications distance Luke from his goal, including failed crops, dangerous weather, periodic run-ins with a family of migrant workers, and -- this being a John Grisham story -- a murder to which Luke is the sole eyewitness. Filmed on location in the Arkansas town of Lepanto, A Painted House first aired April 27, 2003, as a CBS Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide
******When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
*****Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.
****** How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?
What a surprise add more history to your resume. You sure have seen everything in your
travels. I hope it is not a very big job and
goes good without to many problems and you can
can find supplies.
That's great that you get to experience something you've read about. Kind of like bringing the book to life.
I had to laugh at you stopping to eat your beans & cornbread before you could write anymore in your blog. LOL! I'm sure it was yummy. I've never heard of lettuce slaw, learn something new everyday.
Oh how exciting! I've read that book. The house I grew up in didn't have paint. Since I'm grown I wonder why Daddy didn't buy a few gallons of paint and put us all to work. It was never an issue to him as long as he had a roof that didn't leak, good food on the table, and a front porch to sit on with neighbors and chew the fat.
I will have to read that book now; I do like some of his writing
how cool to see the Painted House in Lepanto; nice surprise I'm sure it was when you put the pieces together :)
Hi Sherry and Jack! Shivering as I type this, the fields were frosty this morning on PEI!!! John Grisham is one of my favourite authors also, and it was a nice break from the legal dramas to read A Painted House. It was one of my favourites from him actually, nice to see the actual house!!!
How neat to see the house. Paula our house was not painted either. We didn't have a porch in my early life till we moved to the jinxed farm. Think my regular blog will take comments now. I was to shy when I was young and I would not flirt!!!
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