Monday, June 25, 2012


Seldom do I put a forward on my blog, but Glenda sent this to me, I love it…. If you have read about the chicken plucker, feel free to skip, thanks! jack

Let me tell you, Jesse hated this job. And you would too, I imagine, if you had to do it.

Jesse was a chicken plucker. That's right.
He stood on a line in a chicken factory and spent his days
Pulling the feathers off dead chickens so the rest of us Wouldn't have to.

It wasn't much of a job. But at the time, Jesse didn't think he was much of a person.

His father was a brute of a man. His dad was actually thought to be mentally ill And treated Jesse rough all of his life. Jesse's older brother wasn't much better. He was always picking on Jesse and beating him up.

Yes, Jesse grew up in a very rough home in West Virginia. Life was anything but easy. And he thought life didn't hold much hope for him. That's why he was standing in this chicken line,

Doing a job that darn few people wanted.
In addition to all the rough treatment at home, it seems
That Jesse was always sick.  Sometimes it was real Physical illness, but way too often it was all in his head.

He was a small child, skinny and meek.
That sure didn't help the situation any.
When he started to school, he was the object of every
Bully on the playground.
He was a hypochondriac of the first order.
For Jesse, tomorrow was not always something to be
Looked forward to.

But, he had dreams. He wanted to be a ventriloquist. He found books on ventriloquism. He practiced with Sock puppets and saved his hard earned dollars until He could get a real ventriloquist dummy.
When he got old enough, he joined the military.

And even though many of his hypochondriac symptoms persisted, the military did recognize his talents and Put him in the entertainment corps. That was when his world changed. He gained confidence.

He found that he had a talent for making people laugh, and laugh so hard they often had tears in their eyes.  Yes, little Jesse had found himself.

You know, folks, the history books are full of people
Who overcame a handicap to go on and make a success of themselves, but Jesse is one of the few I know of who didn't overcome it. Instead he used his paranoia to make a million dollars, and become one of the best-loved characters of all time in doing it!
Yes, that little paranoid hypochondriac, who transferred h
is nervousness into a successful career, still holds the record for the most Emmy's given in a single category.
The wonderful, gifted, talented, and nervous comedian w
ho brought us


Don Knotts

Barney Fife…..


Jesse Don Knotts.

Hope you enjoyed the story.

Nite Shipslog


250px-Barneyandy barney police cara



How interesting. I did not know this. He was quite a nice fella by all accounts. I LOVED Barney Fife. thanks for the insight. take care.

Paula said...

I loved this story. Thanks for posting it.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That was quite a story and I too didn't know that about Don Knots. Handicaps are something we all have, maybe not physical ones but there are many other kinds. Making people laugh is a good thing. My silly antics make a lot of people laugh at me sometimes, but that is ok as I'm the first one to laugh at myself. It's a cool and windy day here at the camper. Feels good after the heat wave we had, but they say by the weekend we'll be heating up again.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive.
It will surely remain in my mind for a long time.

Please have you all a good Tuesday.

shirl72 said...

I loved that TV Program. Barney
made the show. I guess we should
never give up maybe one day we will
be famous. When I do I will give
you a call..but don't hold your breath. My time may have passed.

Chatty Crone said...

I love forwards if they are interesting!!! And this one was. I loved Barney and it is good to learn this about him - very uplifting.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» had no idea of Don Knotts story.

As to the '63 Ford Police car - «Louis» suspects that movie prop Galaxie wasn't really fitted with the Police Interceptor package, but he would really like to know...

betty said...

I did enjoy the story, Jack! It is good to see how people overcome things and be successful despite the odds at the time; great inspiration for others!!!

thanks for sharing :)

hope you guys had a great day and rested up from the garage sale!
