We were heading toward Bangor a week ago and I decided it would be good to take an over nighter on the trail and check my pack and equipment. I randomly decided on the map, that the 22 miles between Pinkham Notch and Rattle River near Gorham would be a good spot since we were familiar with the Gorham area.We spent some time here during an injury recovery.
The decision was made because we had day hiked about 4 miles on the Rattle river end and it was a good trail. We had also walked about a mile on the Pinkham end.
So once I knew I had made a very bad judgment call on trail conditions and realized if I continued, this 22 miles could end up 3 nites and 4 days. I did have the food for that time, but not sure the endurance.
(Picture is a repeat: El Dog, headed South said, “Who ever said Maine was tougher than New Hampshire, hadn’t been here yet!”)
I had told Sherry I would turn on the phone on the even hours during the day, but realized I could not do that in the rain. I hoped she could know about the rain and understand why I did not text her. She thought about it but still worried.
One funny thing. I hunched over to protect the phone. I found that the wet finger does not slide well on the screen. I found some dry toilet paper in my chest pack. Touch screens are new to me. I attempted to dry the face, and inadvertently turned on the camera. I am sitting here like a knot on a log bent over trying to get the phone un-camera-ed. finally a younger hiker came by and restored it for me, Of course I got the look, ‘What in heck is an old guy doing with a phone he cannot use?’
(In one of the rain breaks I caught sight of the next MT and just a small glimpse of the one following)
I thanked her, and she patted me on the shoulder, a gesture I would use for a ten year old.LOL I smiled, thinking, the kid is right!
I found out that all text messages do not go thru, and now I know the little red triangle at the end of the test means that.
So I picked a tough trail, yes, there were some REAL dangers there, I realized that soon and was very careful. As a matter of fact, one young hiker I passed pointed in the way I was headed and said, “That isn’t a joke.” As I continued on, I knew he was right. If not respected, it could be very dangerous.
I only hiked half the distance, but accomplished all I wanted to know. There is a possible change in menu (breakfast), a new pack and relooking foot wear in the future. I will also do more reading on the mountains at the south end of ‘The 100 mile Wilderness’.
I am not complaining. The guys I met going north and south have hiked 100’s of miles, with months on the trail, and I for only a night, this time!
Thanks for reading the log.
Nite Shipslog
Carefully worded notices:
In a Cemetery:
I feel this old today!!!!
That pat on the shoulder can seem a little patronizing, but it was good that she could help you out.
The important thing is whether you will be able to do it yourself if it happens again - in other words, if she showed you how it works instead of just fixing it for you.
From the pictures, it does look like a grueling part of the trail.
well wow! but you tried it and found out what you needed to know! about the trail, the phone, the shoes! good for you! it's funny I used to think about the technological advances my grandparents lived through...I've begun to realize the same thing is/has happened to me, one example, movies in a theater to movies on my Kindle...phenomenal!
It's a beautiful fall like day here. the rain cleared out and it's mid 70's and party cloudy here. Good to be here in the woods again. I hope you are dried out now. It's a good thing you had your practice run. Best to be prepared and that told you what you needed for sure. Hope your Friday is a great one!
What an adventure.
A safe step ahead and a good weekend for you all.
Glad that you are safe!
One step at a time. I'd tell ya be careful out there; but I know you already have that rolling around in your brain. Ah heck, I can't resist, "BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!"
I forgot to add: Slim's not the only one I get bossy with. LOL
You know I love ya!!
Man - I'm glad you're learning what to do so you can help me! ☻ I hiked six miles yestday in Gatlinburg with a bro-in-law. We only had a sprinkle. Ate lunch at Golden Corrall and went to the Old Mill for dinner. That is the proper way to train for this hike. Right? See ya soon.
One set of those stairs vertically would kill my bod. You have the endurance and the sense, now just always keep your feet dry. That's the first thing they teach you in combat training, isn't it? Like we all pray, one careful step at a time.
Glad you didn't stay the night in the cave with the bears, the cougars, and the bats.
Bet you miss Sherry being there with you. Good Luck!
Oh Jack, I laughed my way thru this story, you crack me up with the phone business as I can so relate! Finally got Holly to show me a few things, and I have learned how to use the camera. You hang in there buddy :)
That looks rough. I glad you like
hiking I will just stay put and read all about your travels.
Glad you made it back in one piece.
Please be careful..
Jack I hate to tell you this but you are almost to the point where I would say "my hiking days are over, except with Sherry" If I had to work a smart phone I couldn't do it, If my life depended on it I would not be able to do it cause I don't want one nor can I afford one and at my age I have a cell phone that we buy a card for to get days and minutes, Great pictures. Please be careful. We want you to be around cause even the ones that have never met you or Sherry, love you guys. Do not do anything stupid like falling down a mountain.
I am glad you are safe. That pat on the shoulder would have meant the world to me in that situation. I am often in over my head and have to retreat but it only goes to fortify my next attempt. Stay strong and keep the faith. Hiking you will go. Take care.
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