Friday, January 17, 2014

Family time, Dad’s 75th Birthday!

Our son Mark has been down for a couple weeks, Son Jack can in last night. they are here to help dad celebrate his 75th Birthday.

jack mark 75th 001

(Jack on his tablet)

Since you only do this once, they want to be here to see if I can make it thru the whole day. Winking smile

Life has been good to us as a family, very little health problems and accidents. For that we are grateful.

jack mark 75th 004

(Just to show that our TV does work)

Jack, the oldest was born while I was in the USAF and stationed in Biloxi, Miss., Mark was born a couple years later while still in the USAF but stationed in Kirksville, Mo.  I am using the state abbreviations the way they were back then.

jack mark 75th 002

Funny how over the years how everything changes.  I am amazed how old I have gotten in just a few years. LOL

We are looking forward to a lot of family fun, it is a joy to be with the boys.

Mark Hair cut 001

(Mark declared dad would never cut his hair again, I cut it as long as he was home, but to my style, LOL)

Enjoy life, we must all take it as it comes. In these 75 years I have some regrets, but more happiness.  I have been very fortunate.

Mark Hair cut 003

(He was happy with the hair cut  this time.)

So as I approach 75, something my Dad did not get to do, I am very happy over all with life. This is the Golden years, RIGHT?Surprised smile

Thanks for coming by the log.

New Folder (2) 048

It is hard to believe, they actually did dress up ONCE!Winking smile

Nite Shipslog


Tomorrow Birthday cards, today J & M say we will celebrate all day! (I be dragging worse than Lucy after her breathing test!)


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Mark’s first car.’68 Malibu, I loved this car. It was originally powder blue, I painted it for him and built a center console for 8 tracks. It had a small 307 v8 I think.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

bonnie k.

Jackie said...

Oh Jack!
Happy so many ways.
May the joy of being with your boys, your wife and your family be the greatest!
Happy happy HaPpY BiRtHDaY to my sweet friend!!!

~mel said...

A very happy day to you and yours! Celebrate like there's no tomorrow!!! Love ya :)

Paula said...

Kick up your heels, it's your day.

betty said...

Happy birthday Jack! Glad all are there to celebrate it with you! A great milestone to reach 75 years!!


Elizabeth said...

Happy, Happy Birthday !

Jean said...

Happy Birthday Jack!!! You keep having birthdays you gone catch up with me and Lucy! Lol. Enjoy your day, Jean


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK. May you have many more.

shirl72 said...

Happy Birthday no. 75. It is OK
if you want to change the date to
Spring and be back home so we can
all have a party. I will sing
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday
dear Jack, Happy Birthday to you,
and many more...We can have another Birthday when you return.
Glad Mark and JJ are there to help
you celebrate.

Louis la Vache said...

Rumor is that you are not a day over 39.
Louis knows that rumor is true because he started it himself...

Cool looking Chevy!

On his way home tonight from an appointment at Stanford Hospital, he saw a beautifully restored '55 Chevy Bel-Air broken down and being lifted onto a tow truck. Louis wishes he knew what had happened to it.

Dar said...

And ya sure don't look your age, dear gentle man. Happy Birthday. I wish you many more and even more long hikes long hugs with your girl.
Loveya, Missya, Hugya, Kissya
Bill n' Dar

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm a day late in saying Happy Birthday to you! I can imagine you all had quite a celebration. It is indeed a birthday to celebrate and it's great your boys are there to make sure you do.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Jack,
Happy birthday to you.
And many more.

How old was your dad when he died?


salemslot9 said...

happy 69 & holding, Jack!

my Dad didn't
make it to
75 either :(