The headlines read, “Something you eat everyday can be fatal”.
I am a logical person, if we are eating something that will actually be FATAL, I mean right now, they are gonna say loud and clear WHAT it is, they are not going to use a teaser headline, ARE THEY?
I did click on the subject. It is SALT. Yes, I have heard it before and I don’t doubt a person can have too much salt. I also know most bodies vary in their ability to tolerate any one substance. There are some folk who will actually die if they eat peanuts. Most of us can eat a bushel of ‘em, and they just make us fat.
I do eat too much salt. I salt my cantaloupe, watermelon, apples, grits, eggs, steak, I even add a little salt to my cornbread and milk to accommodate the onion I cut up in it.
In the article it says a person should not consume more than 2300 mg of salt a day. I do wish I had been raised around the metric system. Then I would be compatible with the rest of the world, BUT I WAS NOT.
You may remember a few years ago congress in their infinite wisdom declared we, the USA, would convert to the metric system on mid night Dec 31st 19xx. It never happened. The Mechanics who knew a 9/16” or 1/2” wrench by sight, had no idea what a 13mm was, and some were not about to learn.
So here I am in the USA, I do not know if 2300mg is a cup or a pinch. Okay I know, there are conversion tables on the net, let’s see,
2300mg =.081130 oz. Now that makes it as clear as mud. So how many tea spoons is that?
.081130oz=.48tspn (about 1/2 teaspoon ) So Now I know that I should not consume but about a half teaspoon of salt a day.
When I make rice I throw in about a teaspoon of salt. Then I eat about half of that, now if I add more salt to my tomato, I’m DEAD. OUCH
I really do not mean to make light of the dangers of too much salt, what I am trying to say, if you are speaking to someone in the USA, don’t tell them 2300mg will kill you, say 1/2 teaspoon of salt a day could kill you, then we know what we are reading. I cannot be the the only one who does not use the metric system.
(I can’t help it this is salt to me)
I know small amounts are hard to define without using the metric system, but that doesn’t make it less frustrating.
BREAKING NEWS: “New England Journal of Medicine Just announced a study that debunks the no-salt Theory, More in a later entry.”
Nite Shipslog
PS: (Living a sermon, a son’s confession)
Today, I kissed my dad on the forehead as he passed away in a small hospital bed. About 5 seconds after he passed, I realized it was the first time I had given him a kiss since I was a little boy.
Another 50’s bathtub Merc