Trucks of Art
The big low ride is up and below the big high ride
Like me, some of you never had a 'real' hometown. I attended 4 different schools before I was14-15. My friend Fred graduated from HS after attending 12 different schools. I could never wrap my mind around that one.
I can remember three teachers. Miss Cherry, my first Grade teacher. I remember sitting in the corner a lot. Mrs. Grill (7th grade), KNEW how to keep my attention. She liked me, we spent a lot of time AFTER school together. Mrs. Brevard, 8th grade, who KNEW & TAUGHT Algebra. Math became a love.
(Class of 1956)
Sherry knows people from her 1st grade. She graduated with the same bunch. Sometimes I think maybe if I had had roots I might have graduated. Our sons never had roots, and like me, have a GED.

(Most of the class of '56 remaining)
My dad the oldest of 13 kids had to quit school in the 3rd grade to work on the farm full time. He became self-educated, a farmer, WPA worker, ‘Loom Fixer’ and later a minister. He forced himself to study. He tried to impress on me the importance of education. BUT I told myself, 'Daddy didn’t graduate HS and became successful, why do I need it?'
I believe my sons thought the same. Neither I, nor my wife were able to convince our boys to graduate HS.
I think the mold is finally broken. The Grandloves all graduated HS, most finished trade-schools or 4 year Colleges.
One key it seems, was the ‘roots’, a hometown. Not all that wander drop out, but many do. We really do have a transient population now. Many women and men change addresses because of occupational opportunities but their offspring usually finish school, methinks.
Nite Shipslog
PS: There are hometowns and adopted hometowns. They are not the same. But 'adopted hometowns' are as close as one can come who didn't live in the same town until they were adults. Most of those of the class of '56 lived in the same town or area their entire lives.
Jack I think it was more common back then - life is different now - but you have done better than most!
Sweet! Like Sherry, friend Debbie was recently saying how many of her fellow classmates still live in the same little New England community where they all grew up. Personally, I can't fathom that. Then again, who's to say what feels right to one, might not to another.
While Los Alamos is my 'real' hometown, I've not a lot of positive feelings. Instead, Abilene (Texas) is, I suppose, my adopted hometown/heart home. Like the song says, "Deep in the Heart of Texas."
I did have a hometown from 3rd grade through high school and even beyond, but then scattered here and there over the ensuing years of marriage. Because of job opportunities, we did move son and he had to do his senior year in a new school in a new state. Thankfully, and only by the grace of God, he did graduate. He barely did but I knew if he didn't, he would never go back and get a GED. I also knew as hard as the move was for him that it was a good thing to do because doing what he was doing where we were living, I think he would have been dead or in jail, so the change was a "good" one and he got that diploma :)
Nice that the grands are sticking around in school and even going beyond high school for further education!
I have lived in the same town, same house for fifty five years I lived up until I married about seven miles from here. I'm happy, but before Grover passed way he would beg me to take him home, home to him was were he was raised and lived until he was twenty two. (That's what dementia will do to you). He loved country life and I don't think ever got use to living in town.
His old home place still stand but remodeled and owned by other people. I took him by just to see it but he only told me that was the wrong place it wasn't were his dad lived. My children and all grandchildren, four great grands graduated that's old enough and like you I have a GED and was one of the happiest person the day walked across the stage at LBW in Andalusia, Alabama to receive it. You and Sherry take care.
My Dad was a 6th grade drop out to help his mom and dad. He later went into the service. He reads a lot now and has self educated himself.
I was terrible in school and I hated it. I struggled for 12 years plus summer schools. When I seen I was failing my senior year, I left class, and got my GED. I had fun telling everyone I graduated Gaston College. Haha. No so fun now though.
My daughter graduated 4 years of college and was on the Deans list.
Happy Friday
Since high school, I've lived a nomadic lifestyle on occasion. Life events and a hankering for what's around the bend have put a few miles on me!
Like your dad, my dad din't graduate from High School and was always reading and learning new things. I guess he self educated himself and knew more than those with a college education. I graduated High School, one of my sisters went to college. Now the grands are in college and/or most plan to do so. I've always lived here where I was born and raised. Times change and it seems no matter what you do now, it takes some kind of higher learning. College or Trade school. Employers of all kinds like to see a degree of some kind. Sherry is blessed to have so many good friends there in her hometown. Here I rarely see anyone I used to know. Makes me wonder where all those people went to.
I’ve lived within 12 miles of where I was born all my life except for the two years I was in the Army.
We love to travel but this is our hometown.
I've been fortunate to live within 8 miles of where I grew up and a couple miles from where I graduated HS.,except for 10 yrs. I was fortunate also to squeeze in a couple yrs. of teachers college and back home again working as a med. respiratory tech. while raising an extended family. Life takes us down all kinds of roads, each giving a new 'education.' I wouldn't give up any of those opportunities. It helped make me, me! I'm happy to say our grandloves are all smart as whips in their own way, several already in college getting more wise than their grandma ever was. I keep telling them I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up!!!...I better decide soon. SixtySomething is nearly past. lol I must say tho, I've been a very lucky gal to have grown up with the roots I came from.
loven'hugs from up north. I rode with Bill today to plow snow by the cabin......we only got stuck once where we both had to shovel us out. What a pretty day with the snow on top of the ice on the trees. BUT, bitter cold.
i live miles and miles from where i was raised. no childhood friends to speak of.
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