(Notice to the wonderful folks who received Sticky via mail. I am sorry but I did not keep a record of your addresses. I thought maybe many would not like for me to, so I did not. On orders for Rags, I will start a data base with addresses. So when you place an order for Rags, I will need your address, but I will record it this time around, I promise. Love you guys)
Today I am very happy and at the same time very sad because of bad news concerning the health of a dear friend. You will find in the book Rags, a wise cracking, good natured lady named Louise. That character is crafted after a very good friend who just received the ‘worst’ health news. We love Louise like a sister. She and Shirl have become ‘pals’ in every since of the word. Remember Louise in your prayers.
Happy, because of a volunteer job we have been doing just south of here. We re-covered a leaking porch, sheathing and shingles of a small parsonage.
Happy because I just heard from a dear friend who has given permission to use his story, including his name, in my latest book. Jim is the very picture I am trying to draw for senior citizens. He had reached the point of desperation in his life, he took the bull by the horns, placed his life in God’s hands and won. A couple years ago he was to the point of dying, or desiring death. Today he is a healthy ‘70’ and feels the best he has felt in twenty five years, he says. He and his brother were my closest friends when my dad was the pastor of the Valdese church. Last year we reconnected and what a joy it was to see him. I can’t wait to see his story in print.
Happy that Rags is in print and on its way. UPS says I should see it in a few days.
Happy that I am feeling much better, and I think Sherry is too. She just about gave me that “Come hither glance!”, well just about, it was between her coughs, and my blowing my nose. LOL!
Happy, just to be alive and have my girl.
Nite Shipslog
Okay this one is from Texas, it explains what Paula was considering ‘illegal dumping’, Y’all just got to change the signs….. I’m sorry this is so corny…
TEXAS . . .
The Sheriff pulled up next to the guy unloading garbage out of his pick-up into the ditch.
The Sheriff asked: "Why are you dumping garbage in the ditch? Don't you see that sign right over your head?"
"Yep", he replied; "that's why I'm dumpin it here . . .
Scroll down.
It says it's ..... 'Fine For Dumping Garbage'."
Saying a prayer for Louise. That fire does look scary. We're having our share with the dry weather here. We need more of those cameras in odd places to keep the dumping under control. I don't think people care what the sign says.
I had to roll David's trash out and it was heavy. Put mine and his in the proper spot. When I came home from the Hospital after visiting Louise Arp must have backed out of his driveway and hit 706 trash and turned it over. Never bothered to pick it up. So the trash truck did not pick it up. The can was so heavy I could hardly get it upright. Rolled the full can back now I got to get rid of the trash. I think I will go dump it in Arps yard there is no sign saying "NO DUMPING" I guess he is still mad about you building here. Maybe I can start rolling my cans out to Henry Street. I guess I will have to ask the City. I might go down there and have a talk with them. Don't worry I will be very nice. I want kill your
influence. HA
Jack, thanks for the encouragement . And I definately want Rags but I will wait for the sale price, when it gets to you. I think I have proved I have patience with things like this. I lose patience when I am in the kitchen and my hands dfon't do what I want. I usually set my hands straight with a few choice words, or I have been known to throw a thing or 2. Lucy
That fire does look scary!
Glad you both are feeling better...
My nose isn't running anymore and I'm not sneezing my head off...but now I am just congested...and exhausted but am trying my hardest to catch up on blogs tonight...I was a week behind...
Keeping Louise in my prayers...
Glad your friend gave you permission to use his story and his name in your new book!
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