Thursday, February 19, 2009
Pick out your casket or watch for banana peels!
WE are an ever changing society. Always looking for somthing new. The above is known as a scroll Casket. Looks like one of those things, that the folks af Belks (Department stores) used to put in those tubes and was moved by air pressure to an unknown place in the sky, then it came back sith change and a receipt in it. Some banks still use them in the drive thru's.
This is the average looking funeral, what willyours look like?
Now today's very exciting entry!!!!!! (who said ha!???????)
Okay here is the story. In the last few years while other folks were getting old, I noticed they were not paying close attention to themselves, and they had gotten old before they realized it. So I thought someone should remind them it was time for some tough decisions. Not to just be enjoying all this free time, leisure hours to play golf, shoot pool, play in the garden paint, shop, buy, rest, shop some more etc., but to do something important DECIDE!DECIDE:When am I gonna kick the bucket, and what should I do before?What type of casket you want to be laid to rest in?Who do you want to say something flattering over you?(You better think hard!)Do you want someone to sing? Or do you want an old record by Bill Haley and the Comets to be played like :Rock around the Clock to be played?Do you want a cute saying on your tombstone or foot stone? (BTW mine will read: “Here Lies Jack in the Box”.)Do you want to pay for your time in the nursing home or would you prefer the government do it?Who will use my golf clubs when I am gone?Who will get my double barrel twelve gauge shotgun?Am I going to pick my resting place or let the kids do it?I have written a book called “Gracefully Grasping for Dignity”, before you ask, yes the name is ORIGINAL, I read it a couple times in Debbie’s e-mail, and then I THOUGHT OF IT. Can’t be much more original than that! Thanks Debbie.It is a short book a hundred pages. No technical stuff no financial advice just common sense things we should do to make things easy for those left. Amazon has it for $8.95 + postage. Also on Createspace at: https://www.createspace.com/3372008 (Target.com will carry it later)I will have it here in about a week for $6 including postage. Now I really appreciate you folks buying the books I write, but DO NOT feel obligated to buy them. I appreciate you reading the blog and commenting. I love to read blogs and comment. DO Not feel an obligation or DO NOT drop the blog. Stay with us Please. I write for fun. I wanted to get some books out for a promotional tour in the spring. So this is one of them.Nite ShipslogPS:Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you.- Winston ChurchillMaybe it's true that life begins at fifty .. But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out.- Phyllis DillerBy the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere.- Billy CrystalAnd the cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good spit it out.
Posted by jack69 at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Ok whatever you did worked I'll be back in a little while Terri is IM'ing me Lol.
I hope I have things in order. I have notes
everywhere as what to do. I am trying to spend
as much of your inheritance as I can and having
a real good time. I might even spend some money
on you. I don't want you to have lots of money
to worry about.
My tombstone (and Mel's) has a tree and a fence with a deer jumping over it. Now as for the casket I don't remember. It was so eerie in there we just picked one and got the heck outta there. I think fancy caskets are just a show. Just my opinion.
I agree with Paula on the fancy caskets. When my dad bought what was an alley lot near Palmyra, Ne. it was sold to hold 10. Then the law came in that we had to be put in vaults also, so they managed to put 5 of my brothers and mom and dad there. When Marty's dad died he was buried in a country cemetery that was started in the 1800's but even in the country and a private cemetery he had to be put in a vault. A good friend of his gave us a 7 grave space there. Maybe not on the right subject but thought some younger may like the story.
wanted to say that alley lot cost my dad 10.00. Jack I should know all about death and getting things together but I want that book, Gracefully grasping for Dignity and don't ever Think for a minute your books are not interesting. I loved "Sticky" and will start Rags today if everything goes as planned. Lucy
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