Now for today's informative entry.............
Okay, If you look in from time to time you know, we are mobile. Our home is on wheels. Therefore we do not have a landline for the super fast internet, jack rabbit, road runner or whatever it is. We connect through cell towers. WE did use the cell phone for internet but now we have the card. So we operate wholly on cell communications.
When we started, we used long distance and paid with quarters at the pay phones. Then came the calling cards, we used those for years. Now we are blessed to have cell phones and are reachable most of the time. I have added an antenna and an amplifier to assist in the back woods.
Now, about mail. We have a mail forwarding service. All of our mail goes there and they hold it until we call for it. We call for mail about every two weeks. I keep track of our book orders from the printer and try to get to the mail room as soon as possible after delivery, to keep from taking up their space. You can understand this 2 week delay has caused us a few problems, when we have a change in a doctor’s appointment and they notify us by mail, or a tax notice, or a bill. We have paid several late charges because of the two week delay. Most of that has been taken care of with the cell phones now. So, now that I have checks coming into the mail room in payment for books, sometimes I will not see it for a couple weeks, so once we get them, we try to deposit them as soon as we can to keep someone from wondering did the check get here. Most times I will try to notify you by e-mail when I receive it.
Also rest assured I do not count the days from the day I mail it out that I receive payment. My main concern is that you get the book, pay when you can. If something comes up you cannot get the payment in the mail when you wanted to, don’t fret. I am thrilled when anyone would read my books.
I am ecstatic with the reception. Shucks this is fun.
Thanks for reading this stuff……
Nite Shipslog
PS: The importance of walking:
The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.
I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing.
I joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to go there.
Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise', I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
When we started, we used long distance and paid with quarters at the pay phones. Then came the calling cards, we used those for years. Now we are blessed to have cell phones and are reachable most of the time. I have added an antenna and an amplifier to assist in the back woods.
Now, about mail. We have a mail forwarding service. All of our mail goes there and they hold it until we call for it. We call for mail about every two weeks. I keep track of our book orders from the printer and try to get to the mail room as soon as possible after delivery, to keep from taking up their space. You can understand this 2 week delay has caused us a few problems, when we have a change in a doctor’s appointment and they notify us by mail, or a tax notice, or a bill. We have paid several late charges because of the two week delay. Most of that has been taken care of with the cell phones now. So, now that I have checks coming into the mail room in payment for books, sometimes I will not see it for a couple weeks, so once we get them, we try to deposit them as soon as we can to keep someone from wondering did the check get here. Most times I will try to notify you by e-mail when I receive it.
Also rest assured I do not count the days from the day I mail it out that I receive payment. My main concern is that you get the book, pay when you can. If something comes up you cannot get the payment in the mail when you wanted to, don’t fret. I am thrilled when anyone would read my books.
I am ecstatic with the reception. Shucks this is fun.
Thanks for reading this stuff……
Nite Shipslog
PS: The importance of walking:
The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.
I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing.
I joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to go there.
Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise', I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
I am so glad you explained your itinerary to your followers. You known me I have got to have
my mail even if it is junk. I am going to give
the historian I met today both books. I am going back to the banner and have a talk with
Thomas. Remember the article he put in the paper 11/07. They have written a history book
about Belmont and that article is in there.
Max found it and said did you know this of course I said no. They want it to be sold in the Gift Shop there at the Mill House. Oh well whatever. Max was laughing he said he was going
to advertise it and let me have a book signing.
I forgot to tell you it was the article he had written about me returning back to Belmont.
That is hilarious.
I'm so glad you posted this, cause I was wondering if you got my check yet...
I still haven't started reading yet, I think if someone would take my computer away from me...I just might get some reading accomplished..lol
Thanks for the explanation. I would go crazy waiting for my mail but then I guess my life is boring 'cause getting the mail is the highlight of my day. lol Sure like the walking jokes. Now I know why John walks early in the morning.
Rags is still at Terri's house, I must be as slow as snail mail. I just haven't been out and about much these past few weeks. We had a $5 late charge tacked onto one of our bills because of the ice storm. I had mailed the payment off in plenty of time before the ice storm hit that the payment should have posted to our account before it happened but they didn't post it to our account until 3 days after it's due date. I wasn't happy about it but there's nothing I can do about it but I'm sure gonna keep my eye out on 'em from now on.
Oh Jack...Shirl and I will be sure to leave you a little of your inheritance okay..but first we must make our last stop at the biggest mall in the world...the Mall of America...we have big plans...we are heading out tuesday... would you like to come along? We might even buy you a thing or two with your own inheritance..LOL
Your very sweet Kentucky buddy ...who just so happens to have the same addiction as your sister.. we Shop till we Drop! :)
I wondered how you got your mail; when I was sending the check that thought did come to my mind wondering if you kept changing your address every time you moved (which would be a hassle); this seems like a much better system!
just checking,is your new book on older people out yet? if it is, send me a copy; email me if you need my address; definitely interested in reading that
still have to finish one book for the library then Rags is next
You answered some questions that I was curious about! I'm still not sure how you connect to the cell tower with your computer! You saw I was a flute player... Check out beat boxing at my retirees site... I don't play this style but if you've never heard it, you might find it interesting!
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