Long before there was rubber tired wheels available to Mill Hill kids for wagons there were ‘cog wheels’. These were gears that had cracked or lost a tooth or two. When a boy could find two or four of the same size, that was a wagon. Many times there were two larger ones in the back and two smaller ones in the front. Guys would trade around until they had four that would work.
Most boys were bare foot, man when they ran over your toe it HURT! The motor was a buddy to push you, or a hill to ride down, and then pull it back up before the ride down again.
(Neither of these are Jim, but similar cars)
Most boys dreamed of entering the Soap Box Derby, but it was mostly a dream. It was nothing like a ‘Soap Box’ by the time I was a kid. They were streamlined and fast. Shirley’s husband Jim, rest his soul, won a soap box derby in Charlotte. I think she still has the Charlotte Observer coverage of the race with his picture and the sleek Soap Box he drove. But for most boys it was just a dream. I did witness a couple actual races in Albemarle, NC, but of course never could enter.
I have always been curious. Why did girl’s dolls eyes close when you laid them down? Shirl had a big doll, all it took was one hit in the back of its head with dad’s ball peen hammer to open a hole so I could see.
It was a counter weight, neat. Then I put white first aid tape back over the hole and colored it brown, looked good to me. I was practically a brain surgeon. Would you believe she noticed, and told mama? (If only the little sucker had had hair or a cap!)
Well at least at 7 yrs. old I knew about why eyes closed at night! WE have this counter balance in our heads that close them. Shucks, I should have gone into medicine as a surgeon. Probably could have prescribed something for a sore rear end too.
What was your favorite toy? Any home-made ones?
Thanks for coming by the log, I appreciated your time.
Nite Shipslog
Nash (or Hudson) Metropolitan 1955 We actually rebuilt two of these, it has an MG engine in it. great little car. Superman’s girl friend Lois Lane had a convertible Metro.
Something heard when this car was new:
'It's too bad things are so tough nowadays..
I see where a few married women have to work
to make ends meet.