Friday, September 26, 2014

Last night in North Carolina

Plans of mice and men they say, will change. So today as this is posted we should be on our way to Florida. Sherry is driving Mark’s Hummer, he is driving his truck and I am driving the motor home.


Last night we had a good time in the motor home. Paw Paw Mark and Sherece helped Stella make beads with stuff Paw Paw had brought.

last night home belmont 001

Paw Paw Mark enjoyed Stella as she was taking pictures with her camera.

last night home belmont 002

Showing Uncle Luke Mr. Banana, GGrandpa came up with. But she needed a Mrs. Banana also.

So of course GGrandpa jack came up with Mr & Mrs. Banana. All that magic and ventriloquism training helps being a great Grandpa.

last night home belmont 004

last night home belmont 003

Sweet happenings again. Mark and his former wife were in the same area and things were cordial. NICE. Corinne will always be a part of our family. It was great to see her this time in.

So now we head South with the Hummingbirds and butter flies. The Geese will soon be heading our way.

I have said it before, at 5 or 6 years old, I heard Frankie Lane sing, “MY Heart goes Where The Wild Goose Goes.”  I have always tried to let my heart lead, and it has.

Thanks for stopping by the Ships Log. Nest Stop, The Oaks, at Point south, SC near Yemassee.

Nite Shipslog


Life has many turns, but there are times I would appreciate a U-Turn.



This must be a 1950’s Dodge… I know it is a Chrysler product from the 50’s.


Yaya Snaps said...

safe journeys as you and your lady head back to Florida!

love the family photos :)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a happy houseful you all had there. Now you have a caravan headed south from the sound of things. May your travels be safe and happy ones.

betty said...

Looked like so much fun in your motor home last night, Jack and Sherry! Glad everyone enjoyed their time. I love the art of Mr. and Mrs. Banana! Very creative! Safe travels!


Sheila Y said...

On the road again, wishing you safe travels! Nice get together the night before you leave. Take care, Sheila

Paula said...

I like that Hummer. Seems all the companies have stopped making the small trucks, I've been looking. Looks like fun with the family and bananas.

shirl72 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shirl72 said...

I had to rewrite comment left a
word out. Hope you are having
a safe trip..We will miss you.
The weather is over-cast here
Sat. is suppose to be pretty but
rain Sunday. Hope your weather is
good as you are traveling.

Stay safe...

Chatty Crone said...

I have to say that was a sweet scene.

Mevely317 said...

Echoing 'Chatty' ... very sweet, indeed!
... and heartwarming, besides :)
In all seriousness, I so appreciate you and Sherry allowing us a glimpse into your daily lives.

Safe travels!


Looks like a fun time was had by all at your family gathering there in the trailer. GODSPEED on your journey south. I used to love Frankie Lane. Haven't heard his name in years.