Little Known Facts:
In 21 states, Wal-Mart
is the single largest employer.
It's against the law in Kansas to catch fish
with your bare hands.
There are 2,000,000
millionaires in the United States.
Note that
last fact.
There are a lot of rich folk in the world and
we have our share here in the USA. Some inherited it, some earned it on their own. Fact
is, we have always had wealthy folk and most of the time they actually ran this
country. Only NINE of our 45 presidents have not been millionaires PLUS.
Now, I
ask myself, “Were the early wealthy folk better folk than the wealthy of
today?” I thought very highly of Washington, Jefferson, Adams and all those
guys who actually started this country.
I hold them in high esteem. I
never thought of them as being wealthier than I could even dream. Example:
today George Washington would be worth $125 million. BUT he laid
his life on the line. The signers of the Declaration of Independence were
wealthy when they signed, but it cost most of them their wealth and their
(Me 'n Patrick Henry at the entrance to Red Hill)
We just
returned from Red Hill a few days ago. One of our greatest orators, Patrick
Henry, who loudly declared, “Give me Liberty or give me Death,” was very
wealthy. He bought over 2000 acres at Red Hill Virginia and retired there. He
was not killed, but stuck his neck out for it to be cut off. He was rich and did not have to do that.
the rich and the poor we will always have.
I have never considered myself poor.
We have always had an income and something to eat. In Washington DC I
worked two jobs, but we could have survived since Sherry also worked there.
I have never begrudged one dollar of
Bill Gates’ money. I enjoyed working and knowing Sherry and I were making our
own way.
Most of
the men and women in Washington are very wealthy, we elected them.
They tell
me (and it appears true) unless you are wealthy, or have wealthy backers, it is
impossible to get elected to most offices state and federal. Truman became
president due to FDR’s death.
Just the registering fees and
jumping thru all the hoops would stop most of us. So I guess, we must pick the
most reliable rich folk then cast our vote.
rich does NOT mean one is uncaring or callous. In my life I have known a
couple very rich folk. I would trust them. My brother was a great guy and he became wealthy.
This wasn’t a ‘smart’ entry, but
I promised myself a long time ago, if I write it, I will print it. LOL
Nite Shipslog
Presidents worth less than
a million dollars:
Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson,
Grant, Garfield, Arthur, Wilson, Coolidge, Truman.
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Funny thing the nearest town to us is Rustburg. I thought this fit. help? Is that a Marlin or Barracuda?