Thursday, October 26, 2017

Papa Hisure

Historical photo:
(Papa Hisure getting snacks for a long haul from Charlotte, NC to NYC and back, note the truckers hat. During his lifetime truckers had a uniform.)

Papa hisure
Ideas for blog entries come from many sources. Many times from other bloggers. This one came from Rick over at Life 101. He does a column for a newspaper, he just published one about tools.

Some people can shop for clothes for hours, browsing and checking out the latest in the clothing stores. The funny thing is the tool section of any store draws me. There I allow my mind to wander.

Rick mentioned something this past spring that we older folk seldom hear anymore. He said, “Time to oil the wooden handles.” Most folk never heard of it, but older members of blue collar trades spent time preserving tools. There are many tools up to a hundred years old, just as good as when they were purchased.

Okay I wrote all of the above to tell about Uncle Hisure. A retired truck driver he took up babysitting. He was as patient and caring as anyone could be. He was also a teacher. My grandsons Matt and Luke had the pleasure of ‘playing’ with Papa Hisure.

Little Matt was hanging with me one day and wanted to oil his trike wheels. So we went to work. I watched as he did it right. When we were through. He looked up at me and asked, “Now where do we put the tools?” It took me a minute, trying wrap my mind around a 5 year old saying that. He could tell that, so he explained to me, “Papa Hisure says the job isn’t finished until the tools are cleaned and put up.”

At that moment I was so proud of Uncle Hisure. What a teacher and ‘baby sitter’.  It wasn’t long, Matt out grew a ‘baby sitter’ and it was Luke’s turn. Sadly Hisure passed away during Luke’s time. Aunt Aggie was Hisure’s wife. At the grave yard there was a military funeral. Hisure had been in the USN in WWII. As we were leaving Luke looked up at us and asked, “Does this mean I will play with Aggie now?”

Hisure had not been a ‘baby sitter’ but a playmate, friend and teacher. I am so glad my grandsons had a chance to get to know my Uncle Hisure  (Papa Hisure).

Now, about this wonderfully made body of ours:
Everyone has a unique smell, except for identical twins, who smell the same.

I learned something…..

Nite Shipslog
PS: I built a Lrge double Garage for Uncle Hisure. His son Dewey paid for most of it. He said, "Daddy needs a place to piddle."  I added, "And a place to teach kids!"

 Akers Motor Lines was Hisure's home for many years. Over a million miles and never a ticket. That is a record for a truck driver.  He drove for other trucking lines including Carolina Freight.


Lisa said...

Cute post! What a great mentor he was. Its simply someone whos fun and interesting to catch a childs attention. They look up to those who they can relate too.

Fixing to blog a bit finally,

betty said...

I like how Papa Hisure went from trucking to babysitting. Seemed like he was a wonderful companion for the little ones under his care! Wonderful man he seemed to be!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How great to know someone so kind and wise. Kids need more people like that in their lives to learn from . A good role model is sometimes hard to find these days.

Chatty Crone said...

Whenever we have a garage sale - men will come up and ask if there are any tools for sale. If we don't have any - they leave right away!!!

Mevely317 said...

Papa Hisure was sure a gem, wasn't he? Not everyone is comfortable around little children. I love the stories of young Matt and Luke!


Papa Hisure was quite a role model for the young ones and the adults too. you were all blessed to have him in your life.

Dar said...

Your pride in knowing and loving your dear uncle surly shows. He was also a mentor for you, I see. A job is not finished until the tools are cleaned and put up....and an obvious inspiration to young Matt. I loved this compassionate entry.
love n' hugs from up north where our eyes burn making horseradish...phew