Happy New Year’s Eve
There should be something profound here, but tonight I can only think of how lucky I am to still have the Love of my life and the key to my joy. She finds it hard to believe that when I look at her now, I still see that gorgeous 17 year old girl with whom I fell in love.
In our 60+ years together we have attended prayer vigils, parties and quiet New Year’s Eves together.
I mentioned that, only to say that every new year’s eve that I have known her as my ‘STEADY,’ (except one when we were separated by thousands of miles) I have held her tight; being thankful for another year in this dream I have known as life. Like many younger people at New Year’s, we were up most times to hear and even make some fireworks, but in the last few years we have been asleep as the New Year rolled in, tonight on the banks of the Peace River, will probably be no exception.
But since I am writing this in the daylight, I get excited and think we will see fireworks at midnight, but, BUT probably not. LOL
She just poured us a cup of coffee and we said almost together, no matter the circumstances of the year, when we finish it together, t’was a good year. Glancing in the rearview mirror of life is okay, I can handle it. But in 17 days I will be officially old, the 80 mark, and as long as this beauty is my future, LIFE IS GOOD.
I learned something that many never learn about their life. Life is truly mysterious, dangerous at best. We travel a fine line, one heart beat between life and death. My sweetheart has made ALL the difference.
SHERRY DID YOU KNOW? You would one day take a 16 year old drop out and form him into a successful business man?
(Deano sang, "Kisses sweeter than wine! and I didn't know he even knew Sherry!")
DID YOU KNOW you would someday be my ‘rudder’ guiding me thru the many ‘lives’ I would choose? You would be my anchor during many ‘Havens of Rest’? My guiding star when I was lost? IT WOULD HAVE been impossible for that ‘little grinning ‘mill hill girl’ on that goat wagon’ to know how important she would be; or how happy she would make someone during their lives.
As we enter another year together I want you and the world to know, “Sherry Lucille Harris” YOU ARE THE BEST (always have been)!
Nite Shipslog
Automobile’s of Art:
1956 the year we were married, Above the Dodge, below the Ford.