Sunday, May 1, 2022

Tomorrow. tomorrow

Memorable Automobiles from The Past:

 1999 Chevrolet 1500,  I never owned a truck this new. LOL

For today:

Much of life happens tomorrow.  I liked that quote from awhile back that said, “Tomorrow is the busiest day of the week.” I cannot help but think of the permanent sign on a bar on Stock Island in the Florida Keys, “Free Beer Tomorrow!”

Well, as this posts I will be saying, “Tomorrow I will find out if my gum is healed up enough to make an “Impression” for my soon coming Dental Bridge.  I don’t think it is…. but I am no Dentist. I am hoping the guy doing this is a GREAT DENTIST.

I must admit, every filling or crown I have had the dentist asks, “Does that feel too high?”  Honestly each of them has felt high.  So they grind a little, and it would still feel too high, then again, until I finally say I think that is good even though I think it is still a little high.  This time after what we have paid to have it done, I am going to try to stick to my guns until it feels good (If we ever get to that point!)

Anyway, that is tomorrow!  LOL …  “Tomorrow, Tomorrow!”, some song keeps rolling around in my head and I cannot catch it...........   ........  ..........   .....

Sherry (who is my brain) got it (Tomorrow) for me, it is from Annie:


PS:  Quotes that THINK:

That is ever the difference between the wise and the unwise: the latter wonders at what are unusual; the wise man wonders at the usual!    Ralph Waldo Emerson!


betty said...

Now I will have that song stuck in my head today :) I hope tomorrow will go well with it Jack and you'll be able to proceed on to complete the dental work! Sorry it has taken so long to get there!


Mevely317 said...

Oh, I love that song, the optimism. Never thought about tomorrow being the busiest day of the week, but it's sure true. Crossing my fingers that all goes GOOD tomorrow and you're able to put all the nastiness in the rearview mirror. (And that mouthwash down the toilet.)

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying that all goes well tomorrow, and all your tomorrows, plenty of them.

God bless.

Gary B Wood said...

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, What a Day that will be when I will be able to get a lot of what I want to do done, but "Alas" as tomorrow arrives I find out it is really Tomorrow I meant I would get everything done !!!! Hope your Gum has healed for your Impression ! I see in Watertown at Walmart and Sams Campers, Class A and C Motor Homes, Most with Canadian Plates parked as they head home to Canada having pulled in off Interstate 81 to fill up, WoW !! Deisel here is $5.99/9 a gallon, Gas us $4.49/9 $$$$$$. SAD!!!!!! You 2 Behave yourselves and Take Care, sending down Love from the North ! Gary an Anna Mae

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm hoping that tomorrow is a great day for you and that you are healed and can get the needed bridge work done. It is important they get it right. I have a bridge that has worked for many years, but now it's bothering me. Something isn't right any longer. I rarely wear it. That makes me something of a toothless wonder. Ha ! Take care and trust your dentist. They are being paid to get it right !