Today's exciting entry.
You probably did not notice, but I sure did. I had a new comment a couple entries back. An old friend Fred Brannen stopped by to comment. YOu have to love Fred cause he ordered a lot of books.LOL. We met Fred and Francis when we were in the USAF in Biloxi. Fred was in the Coast Guard and we attended the same church. It was a wonderful church with a lot of good fellowship. Servicemen and their families who are far from home seem to gather with folks of like spirit. A funny thing, Rose's Blog, today was about choosing friends. Choosing or being chosen by Fred and Francis was a blessing.
WE stayed in loose contact. A Christmas card, a visit or a phone call. Fred and Francis became missionaries and spent a lot of time in Guyana and in Kenya, South Africa. You never forget the folks who touch your hearts and lives. Fred is now retired We hope to see them again before we settle down and quit traveling.
WE are looking for another tow vehicle to replace our main squeeze a 1995 Odyssey. I did not realize it was a clunker until the Government started calling some 2003's clunkers. So we are looking at a 'new' 2003 vehicle to tow, so we can come up in the world. LOL
Merry Christmas to you all and to all a good night, but first thanks for coming this way!
Nite Shipslog
Walking 20 minutes can add to your life. This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $7000 per month.
I love your decorations!!! Glad you still get the Christmas spirit even in a warm climate. A newer car???? Heck that is just a new car in our eyes, since we have a 92 Ford Taurus.
Decorations looking good Sherry. I'm a scrooge now days.
Are you still sick. I was sick the day after
riding in the parade. The cold got to my voice
and my hand was frozen from waving. I'm better
now just thought I was sick. Motor Home looks
good. We will be traveling to Concord tomorrow
to perform at an assisted living. Smoky, Sonny
Norman and Me. Hope this is the last for awhile
I am tired. To much activity. Of course next
week will be busy.
I think she did a good job and it looks very pretty. Now you get outside and string lights all over the outside LOL.
Sounds like you are feeling much better. I will go back and see what your friend wrote in his comment.
Merry Christmas to you and Sherry!
very festive! glad you decorated a bit for the holidays (but I remember you decorating last year too :)
friends are always worth their weight in gold, even if you drift apart over the years; glad you re-connected with Fred
have fun shopping for a new vehicle; I have a 1999 Silhouette if you are interested :)
I love your Xmas decorations on the dashboard.
Thanks for mentioning my blog about choosing your friends wisely and I believe you have chosen many good friends.
I thought you said you were headint towards Florida soon?
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