Merry Christmas to everyone.
Most folk won’t be on the computer today. At least the ones with family near and dear. We know the others have their own things to do, things to enjoy and demons to fight. To me this is the greatest time of the year. Of course from a child it has been.
Every year some great stories of Christmas circulate, and I love them. Some of them are true some are fictitious, but have a great meaning. I enjoy the happy ones and the tear jerking ones.
I really like the story of the birth of Christ. Some say Mary and Joseph were poor because Jesus was laid in a manager. But not so. Joseph was a Carpenter, a good occupation that paid a fair wage. It wasn’t dependant on seasons too much over there. If you recall the story said, Joseph went to the Inn Keeper to get a room, which he was ready and willing to pay for. There was none available, so they were allowed to stay in the ‘barn’. That was not unusual at the time many folks stayed in barns and stables of residents as they traveled. The birth in the stable was probably in itself not an unusual occurrence back then. I have no doubt that Joseph and Mary were happy for a stable.
I don’t care how the events happened, I think they were days apart, the Shepherds first then the Wise men. But from a kid I liked to think of them all being there at the same time, the wisemen and the shepherds. Have you ever wondered what they did with the Gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
As an adult (sorta) I was a wiseman in the Christmas play. During the time I knew Old Fred Brannen. My verse was Myrrh is mine. I was so worried about the other two wise guys messing their parts up, they did good. When it came to mine I sang loudly, ‘Myrrh is mine… da da da da da…. Couldn’t think of a WORD!” Did the whole verse as da da da.’ Well at least Mary, Joseph and the entire church got a good laugh at Christmas.
It was a military church. As orders came in and we dispersed, I got Christmas cards from every where with the little notation… Merry Christmas.. Myrrh is mine da da da, well yeah, it was sorta embarrassing. (to say the least).
But I still love Christmas. Now I sing Sherry is mine, zip a di do da!!!!!!!
Nite Shipslog,
Enjoy the celebration of the Birth of Jesus……Merry Christmas…..
I have said for years I do not like bumper stickers, but when I run across the one that says, “MY BOSS IS A JEWISH CARPENTER” I am going to get it. Woulda been more effective when I was a builder.
Thanks for stopping by my blog....we're native Floridians!!.....been up here three years and this ice is crazy!!...but, love the snow!
Happy Holidays....LindaMay
Thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog and trying the fudge! It's Christmas... so all those calories don't count. Now if you were making it and eating it in July... da da da da ... we'd have to have a talk about that. Merry Christmas!!
Hope you and Sherry enjoyed a great Christmas Da da da. Helen
Merry Christmas Jack & Sherry!!!
The girls are adorable :)
Love ya'll
Hugs Terri
I must be really really getting old. I don't remember that! But reminds me of the time you were preaching and I blurted out "Amen" and you lost your place! LoL
great blog today Jack
ever consider that perhaps there was no room in the inn because Mary was pregnant and she wasn't married? like maybe they were shunned from staying in the inn??
love the story about your part in the play as a wise man; many wonderful memories I'm sure you have from over the years
the best news of course is that the Savior has been born, even if we don't know for sure when he was born, but at least he indeed was born :)
a further proof of you being a great author and a reason why i should get me a credit card to be able to order books - would love to have one signed, will tell you when i do have it and when placed the order.
please have you all a wonderful christmas time.
Hi Jack and Sherry...down there in Florida...it has been a good day here...good dinner...weather not bad...but wet...good dinner...but I burnt the rolls...and had to do over!!! otherwise...ok....LOL...glad all is well down there in Florida land...and the girls are so cute...take after their great granny I would assume??? LOLOL...Happy New Year...hugs..Ora and that other person!!!!
Elsie sure is growing. Looks like she may be
a blonde. I remember about 4 going on stage
and my line was "What are you looking at me so hard for I am not here to stay just here to tell
you it is Christmas Day".
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