For years it was Ice carvings and some chefs would decorate their food with roses from radishes and potatoes and so on. But this stuff is beyond the simple rose or tulip. This is truly art. Before the internet I did not know this stuff.

This stuff amazes me.
There are sand sculptures on the beach, in the northern countries they saw out large chunks of ice and carve beautiful figures from it. This art is temporary but beautiful and takes a lot of talent. Imagine these artists also do some permanent works on canvas or in stone. Most artists would like to have something permanent to their credit I would think.
(Now insert the first two pics from the top. I couldn't do it!)
On our new printer we have two suits of clothes made out of one dollar bills. Made while we watched by Robby Cook of Valdese. So our visit earned us two dollars each! Robbie married my first girl friend, she never knew she was my girl friend of course, she was Betty. Betty was a mountain girl and she was pretty. I think we were about the same age.
Folks make some amazing things folding paper money. I think it is the twenty dollar bill that when folded makes the twin towers with smoke pouring out; with 9/11 in the picture somehow. That stuff amazes me.
Now I love to watch a magician in person or on a live stage, but these guys on TV that make a 747 disappear don’t impress me in the least. You can do anything on TV, shucks Mickey Mouse talks and dances. And Donald Duck can talk. Popeye can knock Bluto over the moon on TV. So a magician on TV doesn’t impress me. I wouldn’t even watch.
But this is Christmas. I used to wish I could have been with my dad watching his flock by night when the angels appeared and sang “Silent Night”, okay they didn’t sing Silent Night, they sang “Peace on Earth Good will to men’. So what they sang was “It came upon a midnight clear”. Whatever, I would have been amazed at that!
So Merry Christmas and let’s be amazed that a child born over 2000 yrs ago, brought the story of LOVE to earth. He began an amazing life.
To quote Robert from over in Athens:
“Then life’s thorns began to bear ROSES!” Thanks, I loved that one Robert!
Thanks for coming this way!
NIte Shipslog
Life is great, Life is fun and Christmas is the greatest time of the year!
Lots of interesting and beautiful art in this world and in forms that surprise and amaze us. Enjoyed the pictures.
I enjoyed this entry Jack. Some of those things you mentioned amazes me also. I like that printer. Helen
Thank you for that honour.
Providing also a very interesting 'twist' as they started to "bare" wearing roses - exellent!
Please have you all a wonderful first Christmas day.
p.s.: remember how nice it was to write with a pencil, and not knowing about conflicts as a printer wouldn't work with XP or later...;)
Merry Christmas Jack & Sherry!!!!
Love & Hugs
Terri & Jeff
and of course Beau :)
Merry Christmas Jack and Sherry!! Isn't it neat how the Internet can shows us different things and different customs? yet we are all the same and need that love (and need to give that love) that was given to us 2000 years ago
Love your pictures. I like your new printer. I should get an all in one printer myself but I know they will not be compatible with my XP so I'll wait until I change everything.
Merry Christmas!
Hugs, Rose
Merry Christmas to you and Sherry!
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