Out first attempt we parked the car at Ellijay, GA and hired a lady to drive us to the trail head. On the way up on the logging road, A bear darted across in front of us. That did not thrill Sherry.
That night at the first camp sight Sherry heard a noise. I located it and said come look, it is a bear.
On NO! She says. But we made it thru the night without incident. We have seen Deer (Buck and Doe), bear, horses (wild and tame), Turkey and plenty of snakes.
Once in the Shenandoah's, Sherry was leading on a very narrow trail and met a huge buck (8 or 10) points. What to do, she asks? Keep walking, she did and about 15 ft away he makes a beautiful leap using all fours into bushes and brush I could not have walked thru.

(This ribbon snake (ground snake) came thru our camp site once chasing a toad. I yelled at it and he stopped like this, on the fire wood, and I told him is dinner was gone).
I am so proud of Sherry, she can take snakes if she sees them at a distance first. Like all of us having one come up on you, or you it, without warning gives you a start. She has moved them off the trail with her stick, even stepped over one early in the morning when it was moving slow.

Cows a plenty. the trail goes thru many pastures, they are either grazing on public lands or have sold a right-a-way to the Appalachian Trail Conference.
I did catch this toad hiding in plain sight

Well we knew there were moose here!

We never ran into a moose on the trail, but saw a lot of droppings. At Katahdin we saw a couple moose eating grass off the bottom of a lake, Then can hold their breath a long time.
We met Mountain goats in Tennessee or Virginia.
A magnificent sight to see is an Eagle soaring beneath you, as you look down from a mountain top or ledge.
There is a beautiful valley in Virginia called God’s Thumb print. If the Vanderbilt's had not built the Biltmore house in Asheville, that was the second choice to build.
Thanks for going along the trail, we appreciate it.
Sons are up, I will be on the computer less. Gets crowded. LOL.
Nite Shipslog
The heaviest thing you can carry is a grudge..

I saw the prettiest ford convertible this morning, it was a 1951. Above is a 1949.

Saw this 1951 beauty in Buchanan, MI.
Seeing the bear cross the road would have made me a little nervous too. I don't like knowing there is a snake in the yard, sends chills up my spine. But I can handle it, you know about the one here that I refused to let in my yard...ha. But I would stay away from a poisonous one in my yard. Enjoy the time with your sons, Sheila
PS. All of you be extra careful on that hike...we need you here to keep Lucy in line... ;-)
Glad your sons are there, I can understand less computer time. Happens to me when my children com in too. Busy days ahead for you. Take care!
I had two snakes visit my yard
and I live in the City. I sent them to the great beyond. I don't
care what color they are they are
not welcome. Remember when the
family was camping we had many
bear visitors. They wanted our
food. Coming down Cramer Mountain the other night a deer wanted to
cross the road of course I let it. That was a surprise. Neighbors said
they saw a mother deer with two
of her children out back and we
are in the City. I think we are
taking their territory to build
You have been introduced to lots
of animals on the trail. Guess it
is about time for you to hit the trail.
Great blog post, Jack! I've been trying to encourage Gordon to get into blogging - but I don't think I'm making much progress. He would be better prepared to hike if he knew more of what to expect. But - I guess "each to his/her own" will have to suffice for the present distress. I understand about the time on the comp when your family or friends come calling. We celebrated Glenda's birthday Wednesday night. Walked three miles with my brother, Wil this morning - then we picked Frances up and went out for a late breakfast. I ate like food was going out of style. Can we humans store up fat ahead like the bears do for winter? Then I wouldn't have to carry so much wih me! ☺
Apart from politicians and mosquitoes nearly no wild life over here.
Once I was lost in a forest in Spain, until I met a few goats and its care taker, got fresh milk and the right direction :) Please have you all a good new month.
I can tell everyone is getting ready and the hike starts soon.
Bears are a worthy opponent and so are snakes - I just had a lizard in my house today and went crazy - lol.
For the most part, the bear are more scared of you, than you of them. In the spring time is when we are more aware of them. you do not want to get in between a mama and her kids and there is no way of telling til it's a bit late. She will do what she can to protect her young. Also, never look wildlife directly eye to eye...they find it as a challenge. But, do take pictures when you can.
I know you guys will be prepared. I'm grateful you don't have to worry about the wolves, do you, or the cougar (Mt. Lions). They both stalk if they feel threatened or are hungry.
No worries tho, guys, the woods is a friend as well as the animals. Not so sure about meeting up with a skunk, however. Awww shucks, by time you boys finish the hike, ya'll be regular Grizzly Adams types with all the wildlife following you home. Have a good one.
Love You Guys from North to East
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