Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I mowed my cantaloupes today.

I know the drought areas do not want to hear that. But there has been so much rain and the cantaloupes  had to fend for themselves because son Mark isn’t going to take care of a garden.

So today I mowed my garden down. to the dirt. I did have one left, but did not know it as there until the mower told me. So that is the garden story for this year. GONE, no harvest.

Shirl had received the the packages to repair our commode, so I did get that done today. It took much longer than I thought, but everything seems to take longer now.

I made one mowing.  More like bush-hogging. The Excuse for grass not mowed is rain, I tried to explain that there are ponchos and rain suits.   Winking smile Cutting grass should be like the mail.. “:Neither rain, sleet or snow etc…”

Now my major problems are the entrance step and the A/C gaskets to stop the leak in the Bedroom. Fortunately we are now under our shed so no danger of leaks, and YES, it is raining again now.

We are now still settling in, with a little ‘RV LAG’, the trip shouldn't be over. yet. “there are still miles we could go before we sleep!”

Thanks for stopping by.

Nite Shipslog


Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.
~Oscar Ameringer,  "the Mark Twain of American Socialism."


51 stud

1951 Studebaker, The Stude was a good car.


Paula said...

When did you have time to plant a garden with all the going you two have been doing. Do you have pie melons there that come up without being planted and are not edible?


When you Live in a home, repairs have to be made for sure.

Rose said...

Oh my........all that work to tend to.

shirl72 said...

We had a 50 Studebaker convertible.

Young people need to live in a condo
where the yards are taken care off.. I will not express my opinion. I think you know what I would say I am surprised at Mark.

Anonymous said...

Well, now's the time to put in the fall crops like turnips, kale, collards, radishes, etc. No matter what failures, a garden is never really through.

This has been the rainiest summer we've had since I can't remember when.

It's good that you have a shelter for your RV so that you can fix the leak at your leisure.

bonnie k.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It seems like just yesterday you talked about planting those cantaloupes It has been a very fast summer. I 'm like you and have found that everything I do does take longer these days. I've had a hard time adjusting to it. I have learned to take it one day at a time though and not worry about what what didn't get done but rejoice when I do get something finished. Glad you are under the roof there and can take your time with the repairs for the leakage.

Chatty Crone said...

Time does gone on - whether we are here or there or not.
Reality hits when you get home and there is work to do and things that have to be done- when on a trip - we don't have it to do! lol

Louis la Vache said...

Studebaker introduced their V8 engine in 1951. They also introduced their Automatic Drive automatic transmission. When they got into financial trouble, they sold their rights to Automatic Drive to Borg-Warner. Borg Warner, in turn, made Studebaker's automatic transmissions.