Saturday, October 12, 2013

Benefit for Niece Megan

Tonight we attended a benefit for our sweet niece.  Megan is one beautiful young lady. In appearance is a porcelain doll. For the past several years she has been in and out of hospitals. She has been seen at Duke, Atlanta, Charlotte and several other places. She is confined to a wheel chair most of the time now, finally a diagnosis:

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome – POTS  (severe) ……


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(Here is Megan on the right with her cousin Amber)

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(Josh on the keyboard and Stephen on the guitar entertained)

Of course most of us know just trips to the hospital alone, the parking, snacks, meals, motels, and that hasn’t couched the Dr’s and hospital fees and bills, etc.  All that combined eats away at all savings.

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The little lady is Donna, Megan’s Mom. Below is Steve, Megan’s dad.  Both were visiting the attendees and thanking them for all the support.

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So her Aunt Vickie with the help of friends and the Thrift Methodist Church held this BENEFIT. Roasted chicken, baked beans, slaw biscuit and desert. 

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(Above is Vickie She did an outstanding job tonight and before)

Below is Al from Charleston who with his wife drove up for the event. He was the MC. Here announcing the silent auction (MY first time seeing this).

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Sherry and Shirl looking at some of the goodies being auctioned (Sherry got 3 cakes).

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I spied these flowers. Now I am the first to admit I know NOTHING about flowers but the Big red Tulips were gorgeous (Retail $298, WHAT?), The Green ones (I couldn’t pronounce the name but looked like a chain of orchids) Retail $298, (WHAT again).  No one bid so the min. bid was lowered to $50. I haven’t done anything nice for Sherry lately so I bid $50 and got them. I did not know they were not live until after I bid. I thought the Green ones were live and the Red ones were cut live. Yeah I ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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But I also got her a Saks purse. It is in the picture of Steve above on his right.

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The photo above is a picture of a Grizzly. Taken by a lady in attendance, Johnnie Laye, her husband is Adrian he says his job is to carry the equipment and run when necessary.  I did not get the picture, but it was a beauty.

This is son Mark, Sherece and the sweet Stella, OUR great granddaughter. 

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Don & Evelyn drove us over. Megan (Josh’s future wife) in the orange, I caught a bad shot here.

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More nieces in attendance Ann and Becky along with a grand daughter of their own.

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Anyway, that was out evening.

Nite Shipslog


So much love and friendship at a benefit. And it brings in friends you have not seen in many months and years. A good time was had, as well as doing good.



This is a creation called 195789. combining the characteristics of the ‘57, ‘58 & ‘59 Chevy


shirl72 said...

Like all the pictures. Vicky is a
pretty girl..It was good to see
people I never get to see unless
we have something special going.

Glad to see the disease that Megan
has been diagnosed. I will look it up in my medical book I want to know
more. Josh and Steve are good

betty said...

I have heard of that disease that Megan has. I am glad they were able to come up with a diagnosis; at least she knows what she has instead of wondering why she was feeling the way she did. Wonderful idea to have a benefit like this; honestly if I lived in the area and knew about it, I would have been there enjoying the festivities and bidding on items in the silent auction. The flowers are good to have; they will always stay "fresh" and never have to be watered :)


Jackie said...

You are so right about Megan being a porcelain doll. She's beautiful...and I'm glad that the benefit raised money for her and her family. What a worthy cause.
The tulips your bought for Sherry are also beautiful. Well done, Jack. Well done! (Great choice for the purse, too. I love Sak purses. They are forever purses.)
Sending you both another hug,

Paula said...

Glad Megan has a diagnosis. Sounds like the benefit was a success and fun for everyone. I wish her the best,

~mel said...

So wonderful of the family and friends to help out through the benefit. Whenever you see those flowers now you'll be thinking of your beautiful niece. Did Sherry let you eat some cake or did she give it all away? It looks like one of them was chocolate :) I sure can relate to the "hidden" expenses of having to deal with running to the doctors! You're a good bunch of people!!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your niece is beautiful. It's good that you all can give her some much needed support.

Anonymous said...

My first time here. I followed somebody and was astonished at all the photos and the story itself. To top it all off is the creation called 195789.

Sheila Y said...

That was a wonderful thing for the family to do for your niece. Those were some well made flowers...they are beautiful and will never need water. That car makes me think of the Johnny Cash song 'one piece at a time'. Have a great day, Sheila

Louis la Vache said...

What a fine thing to do for Megan!

The "7-8-9" is a creation of Fred Kanter, one of the Kanter brothers who own the old car parts house, Kanter Bros. in New Joisey. The Kanters are active in the Packard Club and their company is a great source for Packard parts.


Glad the benefit for Megan was such a success.

Chatty Crone said...

Believe this or not I have a friend in Alaska that's 18 year old daughter had that. It is horrible to diagnosis and treat. Now about 3 years later - she is doing great. It seems to have retreated.

It was nice to see how every one got together and helped her out. Very $$$$$$.


Anonymous said...

The flowers are very pretty, and of course they're *supposed* to look real--that's the idea.
Sounds like the benefit was a great success because of lots of generous people like you and Sherry.
God bless everyone who contributed, and God bless Megan.

bonnie k.