Sunday, September 21, 2014

Right or Left at Main St.

That is a line from a song years ago. It was about an unhappily married businessman who lamented that   he made that choice every day, left would mean leaving town and starting a new life, or right to go home to his unhappy life.
There was another song later ‘Take a Letter Maria send it to my wife, say I won’t be coming home, gonna start a new life.’
I feel sorry for folk who are locked in an unhappy marriage, relationship or just life.  I have known a couple ‘mid life crisis’ situations that actually split families and within a month or so both were unhappy but could not bear to apologize  and try to repair the damage. They remained miserable.
No union is perfect. And there are some marriages that definitely weren’t made in heaven. No person should live a life abused. I understand that. There are some marriages that should have never been.  Those aside…….
Most marriages could be fixed, with a lot of work and perseverance.  I remember someone saying in a book, “The one who says ‘I’m sorry first’, (right or wrong) is the one who loves the most.
Compare marriage to a job. One you really like, but you get upset and want to quit. WHEN all you need is a vacation.
Marriage is a team effort.  Even in a team you have the stronger personality who must know and recognize this, and not use it to LORD over the other. Funny thing, in “Our Perfect Marriage”, she is the stronger in some things, and I am stronger in others. Even at that, she has always been the giver, and looking back I appreciate that. Today I am still trying to make up for some of my stupidity.
our wedding 001
Tomorrow will mark the 58th year of our marriage. I married the most beautiful girl in the world, and She still is. I meant it, when I said, “Yes Sir”, to Judge Nunn when he asked in a few words if I was ready for this to last “Until Death do us Part”. 
She has been a rock, she is just as cool now, as when she had the pony tail and was such a danged tease  I mean sweetie…. We were 17 & 18 yrs old, but we knew what we wanted (WELL I SURE DID!!!!)Winking smile

When you read this Sherry, I love you more than ever Sweetheart.
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Nite Shipslog
PS: To all the young married folk who were so in love when they married. ALWAYS REMEMBER why you married the most important person in the world, and TRY to always appreciate that. A marriage can last forever.
I do not remember what this is. someone told me but I forgot…


Unknown said...

Congratulations to you and Sherry!

Jean said...

Congratulations Jack and Sherry!!
And I hope you have many more.


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both. May you have many more. ENJOY! Take the day off blogging and have some fun.

shirl72 said...

You and Sherry made it to 58 years.
That is a long time. I think
you both have been on the road most
of your marriage. Life has been
good..Congratulations..Don't celebrate to big remember we are
not young anymore. You want to make
it to 60.

Mevely317 said...

Not sure why my eyes are leaky all of a sudden ... must be a dang dust mite. :)

I love this picture of the two of you.

CONGRATULATIONS, times 58!!!!!

Chatty Crone said...

A heartfelt congratulations to you both - that is really wonderful!!!

Woody said...

Congratulations to a awesome couple, Happy 58th Anniversary and wishing you many more!!!
Gary and Anna Mae

betty said...

Happy anniversary Sherry and Jack! 58 years is a great milestone to be achieving!


Paula said...

Happy anniversary to two of the sweetest people I know and I can say I know you now. Nice post too.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Congratulations to you both ! Happy Anniversary !!! Marriage is a 50/50 proposition and it take two to make work. I so agree that you need to remember and also take the time to create new memories too! You two surely do have a lot of good ones!

Sheila Y said...

Happy Happy Anniversary!!!! Hope you celebrated BIG! :-D Sheila