Today's great entry, no foolinjg around this time.....
When I first read the substance of my entry entitled ‘The Stranger’ I thought honestly of our home. Over the years people were invited to live in our house. There was a drifter called Dugan, he would show up a couple times a year and stay for a week or so until dad had to urge him to leave.
Dugan was what my dad called a ‘wayfaring man’, not a bum. I couldn’t tell the difference. But Dugan did sell pins and needles and small items he could carry in a case. He traveled thru the country going from house to house and farm to farm. Looking back I guess he has sort of a regular route. But somehow, no matter where our dad was pastoring, he had a way of finding us. Mom was great cook. All I remember was he drank ‘Postum’ not hot chocolate or coffee. Dugan was a little man.
There was another wayfaring man, about Dugan’s size, maybe Shirl can remember his name. I think he was called Uncle (somebody). He was not a regular as Dugan. Sometimes these folks lived in our house and other times Dad would allow them to sleep in a church Sunday School room.
There was a Nurse, Hattie, who stayed with us. There was a young girl, Grace, who I understand was violently mistreated at her home, Grace was with us for a few months. She married a friend of the family in later years and I saw her off and on.
Oh and there was Uncle Ralph. He was one of Dad’s younger brothers. Due to some accident he never matured past his teens. I loved Ralph. We played together, I was like 10-13 and Ralph was 23. Ralph was a genius in some areas. He developed another language, I tried to learn it, but never mastered over a few expressions. He was always inventing things. He was interested in making a bank that was robbery proof, he had some great ideas. I remember one he had that could sink into the ground allowing no one to leave until the police to arrive. Then hydraulics would raise it back to ground level.
There were several moochers, Evangelists, that when they did not have meetings somewhere, would conveniently drop by our house for a few days of free rent and board. Especially mama’s cooking.
Mom and Dad took it all in stride. They came from a different time. They came from a time of depression; there were no motels in the back country. When traveling you had to knock on doors of farms to ask for a meal and possible to sleep in the barn. Dad said you always paid something for the meal and maybe split firewood to pay for the stay in the barn.
So taking in folks was natural for them.
Nite Shipslog
In defense of the TV, it is a wonderful tool. It is great entertainment for those who are bedfast, or incapacitated. It is also a good baby sitter , except when that is the only baby sitter. The computer is good too, it keeps Shirl from spending all her money!
Dugan was what my dad called a ‘wayfaring man’, not a bum. I couldn’t tell the difference. But Dugan did sell pins and needles and small items he could carry in a case. He traveled thru the country going from house to house and farm to farm. Looking back I guess he has sort of a regular route. But somehow, no matter where our dad was pastoring, he had a way of finding us. Mom was great cook. All I remember was he drank ‘Postum’ not hot chocolate or coffee. Dugan was a little man.
There was another wayfaring man, about Dugan’s size, maybe Shirl can remember his name. I think he was called Uncle (somebody). He was not a regular as Dugan. Sometimes these folks lived in our house and other times Dad would allow them to sleep in a church Sunday School room.
There was a Nurse, Hattie, who stayed with us. There was a young girl, Grace, who I understand was violently mistreated at her home, Grace was with us for a few months. She married a friend of the family in later years and I saw her off and on.
Oh and there was Uncle Ralph. He was one of Dad’s younger brothers. Due to some accident he never matured past his teens. I loved Ralph. We played together, I was like 10-13 and Ralph was 23. Ralph was a genius in some areas. He developed another language, I tried to learn it, but never mastered over a few expressions. He was always inventing things. He was interested in making a bank that was robbery proof, he had some great ideas. I remember one he had that could sink into the ground allowing no one to leave until the police to arrive. Then hydraulics would raise it back to ground level.
There were several moochers, Evangelists, that when they did not have meetings somewhere, would conveniently drop by our house for a few days of free rent and board. Especially mama’s cooking.
Mom and Dad took it all in stride. They came from a different time. They came from a time of depression; there were no motels in the back country. When traveling you had to knock on doors of farms to ask for a meal and possible to sleep in the barn. Dad said you always paid something for the meal and maybe split firewood to pay for the stay in the barn.
So taking in folks was natural for them.
Nite Shipslog
In defense of the TV, it is a wonderful tool. It is great entertainment for those who are bedfast, or incapacitated. It is also a good baby sitter , except when that is the only baby sitter. The computer is good too, it keeps Shirl from spending all her money!
Now for the silly stuff:
*****A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.
*****A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.
*****Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
*****Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
*****A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.
*****A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.
*****Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
*****Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
what a lovely entry ~ thanks for sharing these memories with us ~ Ally x
your parents were very generous and kind to welcome strangers into their home (and some of those could have been angels, who knows?)
I think in a safer world I would like to do something like that too; I know the Bible talks about people who sat at the city gate and would welcome strangers into their house for the night; I fear for safety these days if I was to do such a thing
Jack I think the other name was Uncle Bart.
I remember a picture with Grandmother, Uncle
Hershel and Uncle Bart standing beside them
he was small man. I guess he was on Dad's side.
I had forgoten all these people out of sight out
of mind. We entertained them all. Hattie was an RN. She fussed because I would play jump
plank and said I was going to re-arrange all of
my insides. I think Grace married a minister.
Oh well good ole days.
I just have to comment about Shirl's comment. I'm thinking maybe that is what is wrong with me, my insides are re-arranged and then it could be my brain was bumped around too. lol Your parents certainly were generous people. We usually had different people at our table but don't remember anyone staying overnight except friends.
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