In the West USA, Yukon and in Alaska we have lived in the wilderness. We are fortunate to have batteries, an inverter (changes 12v batt. To 120 AC), we have a generator that completely replaces shore power. We have 50 gals of fresh water and 50 gal grey water storage and 50 gal black water storage. We can, and do live the life of Reilly anywhere we are.
We have a compressor for air if we need it and have a satellite dish that has never been used. We now have two new TV’s that get watched very seldom.
The kitchen is small but very adequate. With an LP stove top cooker, above it is a combination microwave/convection oven. Sherry has added a toaster oven where she likes to cook corn bread.
(Note you can see our queen size bed in the mirror)
That is not all true, but we can enjoy the journals without looking over each others shoulders. If she needs my attention she e-mails me and vice versa. LOL.
There is a four door refrigerator with ice maker. The pantry I installed is just beside the refer. Sherry says she doesn’t mind putting away groceries since this is installed. If you will note on the insidde of the door is a cross stitch map of the Appalachian trail given to us by 'Chilly Willie' (trail name).
Next down the little hall on your left is our pride and joy a washer/dryer combination. It is made in Italy. I don’t think an American company makes these. (dirty clothes hamper detergent etc above, also the ironing board and vacuum assessories). I am just learning to work it, Sherry is proficient with it. It takes small loads but gets the job done. You do have to remove and shake the garments out before replacing them to dry. (Oh they will dry without it, I tried it. But they dry in a wad! Talking about needing ironing!) LOL
Next down the hall on the left is my closet. Notice the floor of the closet has rolled dungarees. An old Navy trick roll ‘em instead of folding or hanging them.(In the motor home: YOU GOT TO KNOW WHEN TO ROLL THEM , KNOW WHEN TO FOLD THEM) LOL!
(I am missing some pictures here) The bedroom has a queen size bed, it sits atop the rear diesel engine. There is some storage beneath ours and Sherry’s stuff. Christmas decorations and a ceramic tree. Extra blankets etc. There are two small shirt closets either side the bed. My closet extension on the left Sherry’s on the right. And of course this is where Sherry's closet is supposed to appear instead of the top.

This is the vanity. Of course the things you see sitting around are stored when we hit the road. Most jut get pud down in the sink.
NEXT: THE THRONE.....Small water closet (toilet) not as big as an out house, but all we need.
Well that is the tour of our Motor home inside and out. IT is 38.5 feet long. It has a 315 HP Cummings Diesel, an exhaust brake, power brake and a six speed Allison Transmission. Air horn, air ride, remote mirrors, rear view camera and monitor and leveling jacks for when we are parked. We have 12v and 120v lights. We also have a ten gallon hot water heater. Since we do not have a dishwasher, we do share the task. We also share the cooking tasks also.
Finally we tow a 1995 Honda Odyssey to run around in when we settle down. Most folks do not know that you cannot tow ever car. Some would be completely ruined if towed without doing something to the transmission or installing a driveshaft disconnect. The Saturn and the Honda will tow four wheels down by simply putting them in neutral.
We hook up the Honda and head down the road. We love RV’ing, many folk would not.
Thanks for coming this way,
Nite Shipslog.
Opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.
I am jealous...and so envious...and happy that you and sherry have a life of enjoyment...with travel and with each other!!!! and about "stuff".... it is over rated LOL..if you want something or need it badly...stop by Walmart...they will be happy to oblige you and you will have no problem parking!!!!! LOLOL..hugs to you both...Ora
How cool!! Who would have thought there would be so much room!! I am going to get off of here. I got an award all the way from the Netherlands and would love to give it to you and Sherry. No links, just pick it off my blog but I also understand you do not usually accept those but Jack and Sherry it was offereds in the name of one of the greatest friendships I have had. Blue the person that gave me the award picked my blog and she speaks very little english but has a translation button on her blog. Pretty cool. Lucy
Good pictures of the Motor Home. Thanks for
the tour. I recognized everything.
Thanks for giving us the grand tour. I hope you are able to keep travelling for as long as possible. May the rain ease up soon...Have a great weekend, Sheila
I like the layout very much. We used to have a camper which we both loved. Helen
Hi Jack and Sherry!
I am so happy you posted this today!!! You see, I'm in a little bit of a pickle. My wonderful landlords came by today and we had a really nice time, they offered to freeze my rent for the next year to help me save money (believe me, it's dirt cheap for the palace in which I live). That means, if I decide to wait to move to PEI until next spring(2010), I'll have some savings behind me. And inspired by the two of you, I've been online tonight looking at used RV's. I know I have time to decide, but it's so much fun to dream! I thought, how much fun would it be if I could buy a used RV, and travel around Atlantic Canada next summer before going back to school? Hmmm...the little hamster wheel is spinning out of control in my head right now, ha ha! Sorry for the x-tra long comment!
Forgot to mention, the reason I'm happy you posted these photos! You showed me how you live, and I can see myself being very happy living in an RV with my dogs! As long as I had internet access of course!!!
Nice job on the "TOUR" at least you didn't forget how to roll your jeans, I did notice one seam not quite squared away but thay will pass 'Muster"!! Very Nice Ride you have thyere, I think the best idea they ever came up with was the tip out or slide out, which ever you want to call it, BUT, I don't think it would matter where the 2 of you are...... because home is where your HEART IS!!!!!!!!!
God Bless:
Gary & Anna Mae
Thanks for the tour. Your home is very nice and I think its great that you share the chores with Sherry. You two are racking up the memories. I guess my problem was we never went anywhere when I was growing up and then in my marriage we didn't either. Guess I'll just travel to the cows and back. lol
Thanks for the tour..I think it's so all living on the road...your home is very nice and roomy!
HAHA@ you liking the see thru shower door...I bet you do...LOL
You and Sherry are too cute always reading blogs beside one another and emailing each other..hehehe
Hope your having a great weekend ~ I am!
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