We took a day trip, picked up Don & Evelyn and drove down to Morven, NC to visit the Tuckers at their farm and see their new Yacht . Now Tuck can find a deal, he kept bidding on boats in Houston until he got more than he wanted at less than he expected to pay, (his words). It is a 30 footer with head, kitchen and bed room. It has radar, sonar, depth finder, fish finder etc. A beautiful boat.
He has the finances to do all this. We do not begrudge them the ability to swing deals that we could only dream of. What Tuck has they have earned; he should have inherited, but did not. He stood aside when a greedy step mother took the family money, etc. But like I said, he has earned what he has by the sweat of his back and the intelligence and guts he possesses. I admire his ability. When I was able to retire and hit the road, he was just hitting his stride. He is a great guy, BUT HE CANNOT TALK LOUD! Lol Not his problem, mine.

We needed just a little reminder of Florida. (This is close to where Rose, of 'Roses are Read' lives.)

When Sherry first started seeing them she said let me drive, you have got to see this, there are hundreds of gators here, and they were for the next hundred miles. I told her if the motor home ran hot and we needed water, it would be her job to take the bucket down to get the water. The look I got was “In your dreams cowboy!”.
Beauty… Don’t you just love the beauty of spring. As we have been driving around the different colors of azaleas have caught my attention. People who know how to put colors together have created even more beauty. The right color of red with a purple surrounded by white is gorgeous. I did not have the camera.
Thanks for your attention,
Nite Shipslog
****** The original point and click interface was a Smith and Wesson.
***** I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on.
Nite Shipslog
****** The original point and click interface was a Smith and Wesson.
***** I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on.
Your blurbs at the end of the posts make me giggle! Especially the last one, yeah, I'm easily amused...so I decided I wanted to try to imitate smiling while being clueless, it's a good way to get a belly laugh going!
I'm amazed at the gator story, I knew about alligators in Florida, but didn't realize there were that many.
Well good for Tuck, now when are we all going on
a trip. I think he is a frustrated kid. What next. Is it now three homes and now this. He needs to read your last book Gracefully Grasping
for dignity. I guess this is what he is trying
to do. You Go Tuck.........
I would not do well even driving downthat hiway, road or whatever it is. It looks like the alligators would be more than happy to devour anything that moves including you 2 and ALL YOUR GEAR. That picture gives ne the creeps.I am all ready to take that horse. I love to ride horses, let me back up, i USED TO LOVE RIDING HORSES. Never a saDDLE JUST BARE BACK. To me that was the best ever. Being one with that horse and usually a collie following along. Can you believe a 14 year old clear up to where they were all sold liked nothing better. I didn't even have a regular old phone out there. The lines did not run that far over nor the electric, and I didn't know how to not be happy there. Simple life, lots of sadness also due to 3 fAMILY DEATHS WHILE THERE but I remember the horse back riding.
wow those alligators would make some very large road kill. I know this is a dumb question but do people run over them like they do armadillos here?
I am afraid I would be Sherry...let me drive...LOL..you are NOT going fast enough!!!! LOL...boy those alligators look...well dangerous LOLOL...and if the RV started to run hot...!!!!???? you would be in deep doo doo!!! is all I would say...start spitting feller!!!! LOLOL...if it doesn't rain here today (like it has part of every day this past week) it sure is going to miss a good chance!!!! hope it holds off until after grandson baseball game...I just love watching those kids play!!! oh and another thing??? Do you have your "Derby pick?" LOLOL...I do...LOL and he will prolly come in last!!!! LOLOL...hugs from Ora in KY
Watch out for those gaters!
Today is Derby Day.
Enjoy your weekend.
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