Yesterday was full, funny thing when you are retired, and every day is Saturday, you still end up with conflicts. The Carpet was due in first thing yesterday morning. They could not make it until about one. WE had a chalk presentation ‘The house by the Side of the Road’ at a seniors meeting at 5PM. I needed to be there by 4:45. They finished at 4:30. Ron the Carpet man helped me get the Driver and Shotgun seats back in before shoving off.
We made it. The Presentation went well. Food was great. They told us we didn’t have to bring a dish, but Shirl cooked a chicken casserole I know of, I don’t know what else. I can’t describe the food as good as Woody and Debbie (because I didn’t cook it), but it was great.
I got another call to see if I could squeeze a presentation in the Friday nite?
“What do you charge?”
“I draw for food!”
“But what is your fee normally?”
I explained since I am retired, and we are blessed with good health we do not accept pay anymore. I do offer the books for sale. I have a neat little book rack I roll in and leave it at the door. I DO NOT push the books, except the senior book. I feel very strongly everyone needs it or something like it.
Anyway I have one more program to squeeze in.
IF per chance Dan/Joan or Dallas/Marion read this, I need a place to have some books dropshipped, if you are going to be at home in the next three weeks. We will take you out for supper (At Mc.Donalds) LOL. That is one problem with being on the road is a place for UPS to deliver to.
Hope you are all well and if you need any rain, we would sure like to send you some. It is hard to imagine just a couple years ago we were in drought conditions. I guess Texas is still dry.
For all of us who have been looking for an article in the paper, I guess news has not been slow enough to talk about ‘The Great Ones’ and their travels. LOL
Thanks for coming by the Log.
Nite Shipslog
PS: I love these………………………………
Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following question:
Hope you are all well and if you need any rain, we would sure like to send you some. It is hard to imagine just a couple years ago we were in drought conditions. I guess Texas is still dry.
For all of us who have been looking for an article in the paper, I guess news has not been slow enough to talk about ‘The Great Ones’ and their travels. LOL
Thanks for coming by the Log.
Nite Shipslog
PS: I love these………………………………
Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following question:
Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball..
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.
What's the difference between moms and dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller and stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friends.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.
Well it all worked out in the end...We are showing sunshine in the forecast for Friday and Saturday, I'll try to send you some...My daughter's friend heads back to Washington state tomorrow. It rained like it does in Washington here, while the sun was shining in Washington. I told her if she had came later this summer we could have shown her a hurricane...ha. Take care, Sheila
I explained that since I am retired & we are blessed with good health we do not accept pay anymore.
There is an entire entry of gratitude expressed in one lovely sentence. Thank you. ~Mary
Nice drawing! I think it's great you draw for food!
I am with you Jack and is enough LOL...specially if it is homecooked and good!!! and I enjoyed your pics of chalk drawing...real nice!!! today it is sun shiney...humid...but nice...sat outside for a while reading...I have just finished "the appeal"...didn't care for it too much...and now have finished "the associate"...much better....books to me are like potato good one after another all be safe in all your comins and goings...God Bless..hugs...Ora
You can keep your rain!!! We have had it for 3 days now, BUT it is sure greening everything up, the next full moon is June 7th and there could be "Frost" here so holding off on planting anything yet except onions and potatoes. I agree, even if its saturday everyday it sure does get too busy sometimes!!!!! Take care,
I think it is so nice what you and Sherry and Shirl do for people. We have had several nice rains lately but it always rains more her in town then it does at the ranch. Sorry I'm bringing up the rear here.
Just wanted to let you know, I got a little notice in my mail today "package waiting"....I hope it's your books Jack! I'll be heading to the post office this weekend! I'm so excited!
Very nice drawing. I still wish you could have seen those sidewalk chalk drawings. With your inquisitive mind you would have found them interesting. It is very dry here. Way to dry for farming country.
You are so very kind to draw for food and not accept pay anymore...You and Sherry and Shirl are wonderful people and I am glad to call you my friends...
I bet the carpet looks great!
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