This Doe would not stick around for a treat.

There are 2172 mi (3500KM) of Appalachian Trail through 14 states. WE have walked through 12 states and parts of the last two. Of the hundreds of folks we have met on the Trail, the ‘oar makers’ brother was the only obnoxious person we met. He was indeed, strange.
Some folk walk the trail then come back to live around, and maintain it. There are others who become ‘trail angels’. They perform many good deeds. Once we passed a cool creek, just a few inches deep. Someone had lined the bottom with two or three cases of canned drinks.
Some folk place many gallons of fresh water at trail crossings, when water is scarce. If one has extra food they may hang it in a shelter for fellow hikers. We have hung a sack of apples to share with hikers.
There are many hostels along the way, some accept only donations, others are free. In the Whites (where we have not hiked yet) there are some expensive hostels, but everyone says they are very nice. Some hikers can pay for their nights’ lodgings by working. We will decide if we ever get there. LOL
I think the most beautiful part of the trail is in Virginia. Of course VA has 550 miles (885 KM) of trail. The easy part is the Shenandoah’s. Once you get up on the top you sort of go up and down ridges, always overlooking the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. Wildlife is abundant and you don’t go far without seeing a deer. We saw two bears and smelled two. They are easy to smell after a rain, they smell pretty rank with that thick fur.
Presently we are Just below Blowing Rock, near Lenoir, NC. While here we normally make it over to Virginia and walk a part of the trail Near Watauga Lake. Hopefully to meet some hikers Sherry has been following on the Net.
Trust you all are well and enjoying this beautiful Spring weather. It is wonderful here in the mountains. We have a friend, ‘Mary Ann’, who lives here on the mountain, she has been by to see us, that is always a pleasure.
Thanks for coming this way.
Nite Shipslog
PS:****** Only 7 per cent of the population are lefties.
**** The average housefly lives for one month (Unless he falls to my swatter).
*****40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year. (Just about the time I just about the time I was un-potty trained, OOOOOPPPS!!)
*** A coat hanger is 44 inches long when straightened. (Most are straightened to try to unlock cars)
That is very kind. How great to come across a creek when thirsty and find canned drinks or a fresh apple or such when hungry. I'm enjoying walking this trail through your eyes. Sheila
P.S. My oldest daughter is in that 7% of Lefty's...ha. Sheila
That mountain trail sounds interesting. I would not want to stand where Sherry was standing. Good picture of the big buck. My son is a lefty. Helen
I look forward to your AT adventure stories! Makes me antsy to start climbing the mountain over here.
Oh I am still on the trail, but traveling while
sitting in my chair here keeping the home front
going. Glad you are having a relaxing day. You
want belive my day. Work at the Historical House put you books in the gift shop. Sarah,
Brenda, Max's wife chased a lost poodle down
Central Ave. Found the owner then went back to
work. What a day.
Very interesting. How nice for hikers to leave things for the others. I had never thought of bears having an odor but it stands to reason when you explained.
Good descriptions, can almost feel like being there, am familiar with 3 sided lean-toos as our Adirondack parks here are full of them in the montains, Keep up the Journey, enjoy reading it it!!!!
enjoyed the pics...
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