How long ago was this? The one on the left Matt will Graduate HS next year. LOL
Today's important information, some you just cannot live without!!!! LOL
Before attempting to tell of the second section of the Smokies I will cover a few points you may not know. For one thing Dogs are not allowed to accompany hikers (Thru the Smokies) unless it is a seeing eye dog. Many hikers hike with dogs, but they must kennel their dogs when they get to the Smokies and pay to have them shuttled to the other end of the park. This is a rule the hikers do not understand, since on the first thirty miles of the trail through the Smokies, they allow Horses. One of those Government rules that no one can explain, except to say, “That is the rules, write the National Forest Service and complain.”
Now as you enter the Smokies you find a registration log. You must fill out the log and tell where you plan each night on your hike through. I laughed, but really tried to comply. By the second night we were two days off schedule, no one checked or shot us, so I guess it was okay.
Shelters will sleep twelve hikers, 16-20 if it is raining (LOL). When you come to a shelter you plan to spend the night in you claim a spot by rolling out your blanket or sleeping bag. I slept beside beautiful girls (besides my wife of course), ugly men and dogs. Sometimes the smell is bad but not often since one side of the shelter is always open.
TOILETS: Most of the shelters have some type of toilet. Each is unique. There are some with just enough boards to cover the private parts. Some are Hilarious. Most of the time you dig a little cat hole to do your business and cover it up. We all carry a small scoop.
The Shelters have a Hiker Journal. Most hikers record their feelings for the day. Water sources are noted so others can find it. If the mice are bad in the shelter it will be logged. Some of the hikers are artists and draw pictures. Some are poets and leave their mark. It is an evening’s pleasure to read back through the notes.
Facts of the trail. Most folks lose a few pounds, if we all stayed on the trail we would lose more. Problem is, those Hiker Journals also list the All-U-Can-eat Places in the next town. Or tell you where the best Pizza or Hamburger is. When we hiked thru the Smokies the notes always said, “Mountain Mama’s has the best Cheeseburger on the Trail, you gotta try it, two miles off the trail.” So about every five to seven days you make it into some town and gorge yourself!!
Oh yes in closing this entry, study shows that most hikers gain at least a half shoe size on a 2000 mile hike. I gained about a size. (Sherry is not talking, I think that is a girl thang!)
Thanks for coming this way,
Nite Shipslog
(Tomorrow the guy with a sister in the 'Oar house')
****** He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.
***** A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory.
***** A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory.
That is atrange that you cannot let the dog
stay with you on the trail. If people are not
aware of the rules I bet it is a shock.
Interesting reading. I will just stay put.
Don't need a larger shoe size.
I imagine most of the trail has a lot of beautiful scenery, but do you and Sherry have a favorite area? If I ever wanted to try it I would have to go with my brother. My hubby would probably volunteer to pick us up and drop us off...ha. Enjoy the mountains, Sheila
Those are great photos! They no longer allow dogs on a lot of the trails in the mountains here either, their reasoning is that they upset the wildlife because a few irresponsible people used to let them run at will. Dogs are dogs right? They'll chase a porcupine or a rabbit, even a deer. Too bad though, the dogs would love it.
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