Martha is on the right and Margaret is on the left. The M&M's.
And this is a picture of Martha (left) and Sherry. They are still good friends. We pass Martha's house on the way home most every day now. We still wave, stop when we can. Martha went with us to White's the other day for breakfast. We had a good time.
Now for todays entry......
We have a full couple days coming up. Sherry was born on the Climax Mill Village. And the Climax Reunion is Monday night starting at about 5PM, but they do not start eating until later. Of course she wants to go, so I will go to the City Council meeting and she will go to the reunion. I hate to miss the reunion because it is held at Catfish Cove and they have delicious food. LOL
I don’t know many folks there from her childhood but my first Sweetheart will probably be there. Margaret lived on the Climax. I had fallen in love with Martha; she lived on the Chronicle Mill hill. But she was not at church my first Sunday, but Margaret was. Yeah I was a little fickle. If you can’t love the one you want, you must love the one you are with, sort of thing.
Margaret Woods is her name (my first girl friend) and she was and is a sweet girl (good one too, as a matter of fact). I only dated good girls, Dad gummit. Keep in mind this is North Carolina. Sherry and I bought a place in Tavares, Florida forty+ years later.. We thought we were going to settle down, leave the road. As you know you must go turn on all your utilities for a new home. When we got to the Gas Company, the pretty girl asked the last place we had gas. Belmont, NC. ‘My step mama is from Belmont’. ‘Yeah? Who is she?’…. ‘ Oh you probably never heard of her, she left Belmont years ago. Her name is Margaret Woods.’ Sherry says, ‘yes we know her, she is a very good friend, she was even Jack’s first girl friend, the one just before me’.
Is this a small world or what? There we were, three states away from where we knew Margaret. And here is her pretty step daughter. We got to see them all once again in Belmont at the funeral of Margaret’s dad. Margaret married a Woods from Florida so she got to keep her maiden name. He is a super guy, very quiet. A truck driver by trade.
Strange things.
WE were supposed to meet Agnes Horsely today about speaking for her book club. According to what I hear the schedule for her book club is full for the year but she wants to re-arrange the schedule to fit our schedule. But she was out of town.
We have a full couple days coming up. Sherry was born on the Climax Mill Village. And the Climax Reunion is Monday night starting at about 5PM, but they do not start eating until later. Of course she wants to go, so I will go to the City Council meeting and she will go to the reunion. I hate to miss the reunion because it is held at Catfish Cove and they have delicious food. LOL
I don’t know many folks there from her childhood but my first Sweetheart will probably be there. Margaret lived on the Climax. I had fallen in love with Martha; she lived on the Chronicle Mill hill. But she was not at church my first Sunday, but Margaret was. Yeah I was a little fickle. If you can’t love the one you want, you must love the one you are with, sort of thing.
Daddy had been a Pastor mostly in Mill towns. But of course if you were down south it was usually a mill town. Amazing how many millions of jobs went overseas in the textile industry.
Back to the reunion.
Back to the reunion.
Margaret Woods is her name (my first girl friend) and she was and is a sweet girl (good one too, as a matter of fact). I only dated good girls, Dad gummit. Keep in mind this is North Carolina. Sherry and I bought a place in Tavares, Florida forty+ years later.. We thought we were going to settle down, leave the road. As you know you must go turn on all your utilities for a new home. When we got to the Gas Company, the pretty girl asked the last place we had gas. Belmont, NC. ‘My step mama is from Belmont’. ‘Yeah? Who is she?’…. ‘ Oh you probably never heard of her, she left Belmont years ago. Her name is Margaret Woods.’ Sherry says, ‘yes we know her, she is a very good friend, she was even Jack’s first girl friend, the one just before me’.
Is this a small world or what? There we were, three states away from where we knew Margaret. And here is her pretty step daughter. We got to see them all once again in Belmont at the funeral of Margaret’s dad. Margaret married a Woods from Florida so she got to keep her maiden name. He is a super guy, very quiet. A truck driver by trade.
Strange things.
Thanks for coming this way.
NIte Shipslog,
**** Earth is the insane asylum of the universe.
NIte Shipslog,
**** Earth is the insane asylum of the universe.
**** I'm not a complete idiot--Some parts are missing.
**** Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
**** Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
*** NyQuil, the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine.
Everyone always remembers their first love.
Glad you got the best of the two~
Hugs, Rose4
Glad everything went well at the City Council.
You are making it to the big times. I going to
much and eating to much. When are we going to
slow down.
Good luck with Agnes Horsely. Like the pictures.
If you dated "good" girls who still associate with you and are still quite sweet, I have to believe you were a great man as well.
The M&M's. That DOES make me laugh.~Mary
I hope things go well with the book club. My prayers are with Sonny and his friends and family. I know it's hard on you and Sherry too. I was a little confused with the picture of you on a lawn mower. Most men wear a hat when they cut grass yet that was the one time you didn't have yours on...ha. Hope you are having a nice day, Sheila
I noticed the same thing, also I thought you looked heavier ( now don't take that wrong) but I thought it was from sitting down. Have a husband that is not a happy camper, but I will explain in my blog tomorrow. I had to laugh at Shirls comment , Have mercy for your sister. lol
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