Sherry in her nitey (blurring required) , as I tuck her in. I thought the necklace and glasses were a nice touch, especially since she was about to read.

Present nut cracker is somethinng like this....

Present nut cracker is somethinng like this....
Todays entry.........
Now I don’t know how many points, but I probably won’t tell you. Don’t ask! Now I am wondering, what else can I do to make some points?
In our interview the other day the young lady at the Gazette, who I am sure is still in grade school (ha), asked what the secret of our long marriage was. I said I think one person in the marriage will always give more in stressful times, and that Sherry has always given much more than I have. My sweet wife said, no, I don’t think so. But I know what I said was true. It isn’t always fair, but I do think that is what keeps two people together.
Do you crack and pick nuts? I learned something years ago. A good nut cracker can save a lot of time. I had one Pecan cracker from somewhere in Texas that was the best one I ever had. Now I have one I got at a yard sale for $3. I don’t get as many halves as the one operated by rubber bands but I get about 90% halves. The rubber band operated one I got 99% halves. While in Florida last winter I met a guy from Iowa who cracked black walnuts and Hickory nuts. Now they are tough, but he had a rig that cracked them very well. I bought a Qt baggie half full for $5, for Hickory nuts, or as we say down here, hicker nuts. I like nuts in about every pastry and cereal.
Now I love nuts, but I prefer to tuck Sherry in, perks of motor home living.
Thanks for coming this way
Nite Shipslog
(Did not make any points with the picture. Nothing is secret in this motor home. Sometimes she does not like the photo editing programs, but ain't she cute!)
Use Empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords. It keeps them neat and you can write on the roll what appliance it belongs to.
Now in this world there are some rough jobs, but someone must do them. My Sherry is a (beautiful) creature of habit. Each night after reading journals, Blogspot and trail journals (She keeps up with the progress of the thru hikers on the AT), she gets two pieces of hard candy, her green insulated glass filled with ice and water, picks up her book and heads for bed.
I will not say what she wears or doesn’t wear to bed. BUT she wears exactly what I like. Anyway tonight I fixed her glass of ice and water. I asked if I made any points, she said no. (shoot)
Then for some reason (most nites) I am in the bedroom just as she gets into bed, sooooooo I might as well tuck her in. So I always volunteer to untuck and tuck her in. Tonight as I was leaving the room she made a dis-satisfied face. Her hard candy was mixed fruit flavored, and she was expecting cinnamon. Of course I kissed her and relieved her of the fruit candy. I got her a cinnamon and took it to her. I even fed it to her. Then I asked if I made any points, she smiled and said yes!!!! (YEAH!)
Now I don’t know how many points, but I probably won’t tell you. Don’t ask! Now I am wondering, what else can I do to make some points?
In our interview the other day the young lady at the Gazette, who I am sure is still in grade school (ha), asked what the secret of our long marriage was. I said I think one person in the marriage will always give more in stressful times, and that Sherry has always given much more than I have. My sweet wife said, no, I don’t think so. But I know what I said was true. It isn’t always fair, but I do think that is what keeps two people together.
Do you crack and pick nuts? I learned something years ago. A good nut cracker can save a lot of time. I had one Pecan cracker from somewhere in Texas that was the best one I ever had. Now I have one I got at a yard sale for $3. I don’t get as many halves as the one operated by rubber bands but I get about 90% halves. The rubber band operated one I got 99% halves. While in Florida last winter I met a guy from Iowa who cracked black walnuts and Hickory nuts. Now they are tough, but he had a rig that cracked them very well. I bought a Qt baggie half full for $5, for Hickory nuts, or as we say down here, hicker nuts. I like nuts in about every pastry and cereal.
Now I love nuts, but I prefer to tuck Sherry in, perks of motor home living.
Thanks for coming this way
Nite Shipslog
(Did not make any points with the picture. Nothing is secret in this motor home. Sometimes she does not like the photo editing programs, but ain't she cute!)
Hints to make your life more fun, since you do not get to tuck Sherry in.
Use Empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords. It keeps them neat and you can write on the roll what appliance it belongs to.
To remove old wax from a glass candle holder, put it in the freezer for a few hours. Then take the candle holder out and turn it upside down. The wax will fall out.
Crayon marks on walls? This worked wonderfully! A damp rag, dipped in baking soda. Comes off with little effort (elbow grease that is!). OR USE WD-40. ===================================
Good picture of Sherry. I know your bloggers
will like reading all of this frivolity.
Is he your pecan cracker broke. I need to use it on the pecans we have downstairs. The hammer does a bad job. Are we keeping a look at the
paper to see when your interview appears.
Some of the girls thinks we should keep all
the power tools and sharpe objects away from you
unless Sherry and I are here to supervise. lol
Hi, nice picture of Sherry. I got Gracefully Grasping for Dignity yesterday afternoon and I have finished reading it couldn't put it down for long. I'm sure it will be a help to many who reads it. I'm gone make sure I go through my things to see if I have anything I don't want other people to see or read. I will get your money in the mail. Oh what are you gone do with your points when you get them built up, lol. Take care, jean
She is a very pretty lady Jack
I know I do not have to tell you this but you both are so fortunate to have each other. I would be very suprised to see a more loving, devoted couple. enjoy every minute you have together. You never know from one day to the next what life holds for you. Lucy
ahem!!! how many points is it gonna take to get what your are working on getting points???? huh??? huh???? oh well...be that way...don't tell...sheesh!!!!! LOLOL...it takes alot of laughter to make a good marriage too....it relieves the tension....or so I am told...and living so close in an RV...well...that is a great pic of Sherry....hugs to ya...Ora in KY
Yes she is verrrry cute. Did you remember to close the curtain? We used to have a nut cracker like that and bought it in san antonio. For the life of me I can't remember the name of it. I sold it at a garage sale 'cause I didn't intend to crack anymore nuts.
Well I hope you earn enough points soon. I'm surprised you're not still weak from your injury....ha. I hope you, Sherry and Shirl have a great weekend. Sheila
Good picture od Sherry. We have a nut cracker like the first one you have pictured. Ken works it. It's to straining for my back.
Good household hints. Helen
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