Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hot Cars

Here I am in Detroit
Just looked back at some cars I can't imagine having the talent or money to do this type of customizing, I just loved the old cars.

John worked for GM and retired from the transmission division. Another old friend of his came today. He invited us to come stay at his house. Folks have been so nice.

We had a little set back today. The stomach feeding tube they installed is leaking. They are going back in to repair it. They talk like it is a minor thing. We know it must be done.

So we are waiting again, they should take him up in a little while.
Nite Shipslog


Anonymous said...

All the very best. Strength and patience. For you all.

betty said...

it is nice to see John's friends and they do sound nice to invite you to stay at their place; sorry about the set back, but hoping by now the leak has been fixed and smoother times are ahead


Fred Alton said...

So sorry to read of yet another problem - but it's good that the doctors found it and now have confidence that they can repair the leak. Frances and I went to N. GA today to her diabetes doc and afterwards she went to Hamrick's, a store specializing in wearing apparel. I think she got 5 complete outfits for less than #200. She was very tired when we got home - but did much better than I expected she might. Thank God for the improved heart-rate! Be sure and stay warm way up north there in motor city. Were you able to get the water in your RV thawed? Is there any way to insulate the pipes so they don't freeze? It is most difficult to live without running water. I know by experience. ☺

shirl72 said...

Jim had a feeding tube for awhile. No fun but a necessity. Glad when it was removed. You will
not believe how they remove them. Not fun.
Well enough of medical talk. Hope things start


Dar said...

Will keep the prayers coming for Johnny. So nice of his friend to invite you to stay...hope you do take him up on it. You both need the warmth and comfort besides the hospital...please take care of yourselves. Stay healthy and bring on those awesome automobiles. Love that 2nd one, whatever it is, I want one. It reminds me of Clarabelle!

Glenda said...

Am logging in late to catch up on the news from
Detroit, hope all went well with the feeding tube. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts
your way:)

Jimmy's Journal said...

Neat cars, Jack! I used to toy around with fixing cars when I wsa younger, but the technolgy today has advanced way beyond me. Nice to look at them, though. Stay well and say hello to Sherry!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So sorry to hear of the setback, but hopefully all is well and repaired so that healing can continue. It's supposed to start getting warmer here for a couple of days so I imagine it will be the same there. Glad there are some kind people there to keep you company in this long wait. May the dear Lord bless you both and send healing and improved health to John. Take good care !