Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Post for Tuesday

We are back at the hospital with the motor home. We are parked the same place as before however  now there is a mountain of snow where they have hauled tons of snow from the parking lots.


What a job you folks have up here just to store snow. Tons of salt and hundreds of snow plows.  I see many folk up here make extra money in the winter clearing parking lots.


John seems to be improving, seems they always find ‘ONE MORE THING’, this is a lack of or excess of platelets. My hearing is gone. I am blaming it on the cold weather restricting my estuation tubes.  I feel like you do as you go up in altitude and the inner and outer ear have to equalize.  It is frustrating. 

big breakfast ttttttt6

(I pulled this off the net, but that is about what it looked like minus one egg and the links)

We ate at L. George’s Coney Island in Wayne,Mi this morning. We went outg with Jerry and Debbie Johnny’s friends.  Hard to converse, but we had a good time and ’YOU AIN’T SEEN A BREAKFAST LIKE THIS’ For $3.49 there is a BIG platter full of Extra large eggs, potatoes and I splurged this morning and got  bacon.

I am in the motel room to avoid talking to anyone, using Sherry’s lap top.  I will look into the pictures and see what she has.

Thanks for coming by the Blog and listening as we wait on John to speak!!!

Nite Shipslog


Copy of 1993-94 070

Grandson Matt, the contented kid.  He is a freshman this year in college.

1993-94 005

Reece, Ben & Josh and Steve in the concourse at Douglas Airport on One of Ben’s flights out from Utah to see the family, always a festive occasion. Wish you could still get on the concourse  to await a plane.


Fred Alton said...

I thought you would eventually send a picture or two of the snowplows in action! I'm sure there are lots of enterprising young folk who would put a road grader blade onto the front of a pick-up to bring in a little extra spending money. I was visiting a church in Virginia and one of the members had done that to his 4X4 to help clear the church parking lot. What a blessing that was for the 15 people who showed up for that GREAT missions service!

So glad to hear that Johnny is improving. I do understand about the hearing in a small way. I have started wearing mine more these days...'cause I want to hear! One of the devices went totally dead a couple weeks ago and I sent it back to the manufacturer for repairs. Only $200 plus $10 for the office visit. Now the repaired one is working great but the other one is tee-totally dead! What a MESS!

Jean said...

What a good breakfast I just like my eggs cook more. lol. Sorry about your hearing Grover and I both have a hearing problem and it's funny sometimes the answers I get when he misunderstand what I say. Take care and stay warm.

Anonymous said...

There has been the thought of time in my mind for the last couple of days. May life continue to treat the young life kind. Only happy things for you to see and many getting well wishes too.

shirl72 said...

I hope you can get out of there and get back
to warm weather. Glad Johnny is improving.
I pray there will a change for the better.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are right about the snow plowing. It is a huge part of a lot of folks income here. They love it when we have snowy winters, which is usually the case in these parts. Hold on tight because they say we could get more later in the week comparable to what we had on the weekend. Today was in the 40's with snow melting, then tomorrow warmer yet with rain, Thursday late colder changing to snow. Seems to be a cycle that we can't shake. Take good care!

betty said...

there is a lot of money/time in snow removal for sure!! and just when you think you got it removed, it snows again!

what a breakfast you guys had! yum!! I'm sure it was enjoyed by all :)


LYN said...

Will think of you today.. I'm off to the beach..it's supposed to be 78F today...don't ya miss Florida??

Ken Riches said...

Sometimes there is nothing better than a big breakfast.