Saturday, March 26, 2011

Whatever it Takes & Metropolitans


While doing what we are doing now, you tend to lose sight of things you were doing and focus on the job at hand. Just a few short weeks ago we were scheduling a front-end alignment on this home of ours, a root canal and dental check up for me, Sherry's physical and a summer in the Northeast on the Appalachian Trail. We were thinking of some Maine Lobsta, checking out some of the great eating places folks have told us about, and getting some great views of the Maine Coast.


That ALL took a back burner when we got the call that Johnny was in physical trouble.


When we arrived the Doctor's at best, gave him a 50/50 chance. They said it like it was going to be the lower 50! Of course we attribute the drastic change to the thousands (no exaggerations) of prayers gone up.


I really let the weather get to me and take the brunt of my griping. In reality I don’t hate cold weather. I thrive from challenges but usually when we are planning and have clothes to face the situation. This one sort of caught us on the short end. Sherry has spent 6-12 hours a day here in the hospital for about 5 weeks. I have been with her but she had taken the brunt of the situation, covering for my deafness.


Deafness has become a problem; I cannot hear half as well as I was hearing. And that isn’t saying much. It could be the weather; at least I certainly hope so.


Yeah, I fuss about the weather, gripe at the forecasts and say a bad word when valves freeze and water freezes; or I hit my hand on some sharp object in the cold. That sounds like a lot of complaining, but it really isn't. Over 99% of the time Sherry and I find a way to enjoy ourselves and joke where ever we are.


(Metro’s were not afraid of snow)


John is doing well. Funny for an independent cuss, he does not want to be alone, and he sure has not been. Think about it. How many friends do you have who would faithfully visit you in the hospital 3-4 times a week for 2 months? I have lost count of John's friends. Most folks do not have family that dedicated.


(They weren’t afraid of water either)

Okay enough. Life is good (according to the mountain prophet, the Blue RidgeBoomer) and I agree.

When you outlive most of the family, you get the privilege of helping take care of what is left.

Nite Shipslog


Adult Truths Final entry! (Thanks Evelyn)

** The first guard, the "Cup," was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974.

That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.
Ladies.....Quit Laughing.


Got Milk?

(Just a note for those who care, Nash made this jewel, then Hudson bought it and made a few Hudson Metro's)


Paula said...

That looks like at F on the milk carton? We have Formost milk around san antonio. Johnny must be a special person for so many to care and yes prayer does work.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You and your Sherry are very special folks going to be with her brother and staying all that time. I don't like winter and although I've lived here all my life it just never gets any better. I hope you are feeling better now. Most of the colds going around here take a good week to get over if you're lucky. A little warmth would help...maybe next week it'll be back to what is normal for this time of year. You and Boomer are right though...Life is good!

shirl72 said...

You both have to be sworn out with the cold and
snow doesn't help. I did wonder if you had
heavy clothes since you are in warm weather all the time. Hope Johnny improves so decisions
can be made and everybody get back to normal
and you both get back to warm weather.


betty said...

I liked the car with the skis on it. I have to say there probably aren't too many people who would have gone and stayed as long as you and Sherry have with John; it says a lot about the love of a family and the dedication to siblings and family members! Like I said before, it is great John has a great support system there too with his friends! One can hope soon you and Sherry will get back to what your plans would have been and maybe get back on the trail for a bit too!


Cher' Shots said...

There is no doubt in my mind about how important your visits are to Johnny. It's a great part of his recovery. Sherry is a super sister and wife for sure. Gotta love a woman like that!
'love & hugs from afar'

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing these cars that I've never seen nor heard of.

And yes, you two surely are able to make life better. Thank you. Please have a good start into the new week.

Fred Alton said...

Man! You and Sherry are two very special people. You have shown what love is by taking loving actions for Sherry's Brother. I know you do it because you want to and that's even more meaningful. I loved those old Nash Metropolitans. Got a good chuckle out of the Metro-politan Police car! Ha. May your hearts be warmed by knowing that you are loved by us southern folks. ☺

Amelia said...

I'm glad to hear that John is well and is so lucky to have such great friends!


Lucy said...

I to found out that being the youngest survivor of 10, and even with my sister's kids, I was called on during the last weeks to be with my 2 sisters because their kids were to busy with doing their own thing. I am thinking this could happen to me, my kids are so wrapped up in their lives. My how times have changed. You and Sherry have been real troopers, especially with horrible, nasty weather. It is sunny and almost warm here. Love the cars!!! Eye glasses are so expensive!!! I may be in shock for the rest of my life.