Wednesday, December 12, 2012

First..Color of the mystery vehicle 2nd.. Of course we love to travel.

Oh, the ugly mystery color of the vehicle? it was a flat Blue green, not metallic, not sharp, just a sick Blue green on top with a flat mustard(or something) on the lower bottom, not half.

NOW for Today’s Exciting entry. LOL.

Sometimes even fifteen miles is fun. Today was about 50 miles. Still fun. New neighbors and new sights.

Wildwood ORLANDO 013

Entrance drive to our park in Orlando,  lined with Palms.

Wildwood ORLANDO 019

Our site in a Live Oak Hammock. Sherry relaxing and on the phone below. We are finishing our coffee.Wildwood ORLANDO 018

Strange, just like the rest of the country, the profile and personality of this area has change. Years ago when we came down here the most interesting thing in the Orlando area to me was the Citrus Tower.  It still exists. It was built so the tourists could climb and over look the thousands of acres of citrus trees.

Wildwood ORLANDO 008

(That is the Citrus tower today!)

Now many hundreds of acres of trees are gone, replaced by housing developments. Bedrooms for the CITY of Orlando.

The Human appetite to be frightened, entertained, really scared and thrilled is insatiable.  So  add to Disney World, Wet & Wild, Universal, Sea World, The Holy Land Experience, A company that has fighter pilot trainers, and one that lets you sky dive w/o flying plus Mama’s Comedy, many more and you have Entertainment Orlando STYLE.

And the cost? $88-$90 per day per person for Disney, of course Universal is about the same. Of course you should look for specials on line and locally. There are plenty of combined and multiple day tickets, but none of them are cheap.

Being a cheap skate my self, I would not pay it, there were times we could not afford it.

(We are decorated for Christmas now.)

Wildwood ORLANDO 023

(Our bed is over the diesel engine in the rear of this MH. There is a little storage space between the bed and engine. That is where the Christmas stuff is kept)

Wildwood ORLANDO 025

(So, now we are ready for Christmas. Santa always finds us every year, no matter where we are.)

Wildwood ORLANDO 026

We travel, I love natural wonders, that satisfies my urge for excitement, and Sherry’s too, thank goodness.

Wildwood ORLANDO 004

Hey, have you ever had the opportunity to smell the citrus groves in bloom? That my friend is the ultimate in entertainment. The world is saturated with a wonderful sweet smell. About like being in a perfume bottle. LOL

Thanks for coming by the log.

Nite Shipslog


It is hard to beat seeing an Eagle soaring, or Old Faithful go into action exactly on time. Seeing Niagara Falls and Mt. Rushmore, add to that the Salmon migration in Alaska, well, in my book Disney cannot compete.

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Or a free car show, this one in Bangor, Maine.

Probably shows Sherry is older, bur she likes this too. It is a thrill to see the cars that made Detroit famous.


Chatty Crone said...

Hard to believe the times are rough - when Disneyland is $90 a pop per person. Plus food. Parking. Etc.

I love your RV. And I like that you decorated it with your touch of Christmas.

I know your cruise is soon.


Jackie said...

There is so much to see on your blog today, and I am happy HAPPY about that! Thank you for sharing it with us!!
First, I can't believe how the surroundings of the citrus tower have changed! It's been years since I've been to Orlando,and like you, I always love to see the citrus tower. I'm so glad you posted that photo. The changes are jaw-dropping to me!!
Sherry is lovely! Give her a hug and a wave from me. I see a beautiful bag of oranges hanging nearby. You are indeed going to have a fruitful Christmas, I see!
And...the aroma of the orange groves...uhmmm. When I was younger, I helped Daddy with his honeybees. He would take them to Florida to the orange groves when they were in bloom, and yes, I remember that beautiful fragrance. Nothing like it.
I'm glad you and Sherry arrived safely. Take care and thank you so much for the wonderful photos of your RV and your new site among those live oaks.
Hugs and blessings to you both,

Dar said...

Hugs for the two of you. So happy to see you are back to your home away from home. You both look great. I wonder if we will ever have a Christmas without snow? We have just 'enough' already. I love it but not like I used to.
I was to Orlando once about 25 yrs. ago and had a blast at the Orlando Convention Center. I was in awe of the glass elevators and loved the orange different from potato rows. LOL
BlessYour Hearts and stay safe and warm. Merry Christmas every day

betty said...

Love the decorations! Very festive! It is interesting how the citrus tower area has changed; it is kind of like here along Highway 5 on the way to Disneyland we would see orange groves all along the freeway; now we see housing developments, strip malls, etc. All in the name of progress I guess.

It is ridiculous how expensive it is to get into Disneyland and then to have to stand in line for rides and food, ridiculous sometimes!

your new home location looks mighty comfy!


shirl72 said...

The mystery car sounds like a
beauty. HAHA. When I was shopping for my first car Dad was helping. I wanted a 57 Chevy. We went looking and found one and looked at the price. Dad's comment "I can't believe that price on an old car". He didn't understand that was the rage then.

Sounds like you are in a peaceful place to park it.

DD said...

I think I see a big bag of oranges in your pictures.
I have a soft place in my heart for Orlando, as I spent lots of time there when I was growing up.
Good entry. Take care.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you made it safely to your destination. I loved seeing your place there and your Christmas decorations too. Those orange groves must be a sight to see. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Helen said...

That car does sound like an ugly color. Glad that you two made it. Love your Christmas decorations.
Merry Christmas to you and Sherry.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I own Disney stock so.. Like I'm Just All Broken Up by the high cost ;0. Ha.~Mary

Sheila Y said...

Now you are ready for Santa! I love the little Christmas tree, if I ever find one like it I'm gonna buy it...I was on the run a lot last week so I have been getting caught up on blogs today. Enjoy your new 'neighborhood', love from NC, Sheila