Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dragon head and a kitten's short visit

A neat car
 1954 Desoto Adventurer (never into production)
Now for today...
 Not the best chain saw carving, but it gives the idea. I tried to put a smile on its face, but could not accomplish it. LOL

 The head looks painted white, but it isn't painted.

At least the log has a little character. LOL

BUT Stormy, an update. I went over to the trash pile to get the kittens. BUT NO CATS! Yep as some many folk say, she moves them. I called to her (We talk in meows) NOTHING. I eased over into my little walking trail to head home and what did I see?  In the hollow base of one of the trees I spied Stormy.
 I sat down on the trail and she came out to me. She lay down for some petting when a little black kitten came crawling out. I petted it and put her on Stormy and she found a teat.  I am amazed at the tiny nipples, I am used to seeing dogs milk sacks with bigger nipples.

We played for while and I left. I had decided to get a box and come back for the kittens. Still thinking dogs, I picked up the towel that Stormy sits on when we talk and I pet her. Thinking the smell would ease the little kitten. I never saw #2 that day

Stormy left me with the kitty and jumped up on the shelf to finish her milk.

I brought the little kitten and stormy followed. I never did  see #2. I figured Stormy could bring her over later.
We had fun. The little one played, stormy washed and fed it. We were getting along fine.
THEN, without a howdy do, see you-later or a ‘by your leave sir’, Stormy picked up the kitten and walked out of the garage.
This actually happened twice. The last time I gave up.
I later walked the trail to see if she had changed locations but at that time she had not. I ignored her hoping she would think I didn't see her. 
Our good friend Evelyn called Sherry and said she had a home for the kitty when and if it is available. That sounded good.

Nite Shipslog
PS: The Oxymoron for today:
Why do you press harder on the buttons of a remote control  when you know the batteries are dead?


betty said...

Wow, Stormy really does trust you! Her kitty is so cute. Looks just like her. A "mini me." I hope the kitty can survive and get into that home! Cute carving you did! I like it! Looks good on that log!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You have a great imagination with your wood carving, not everyone would want to put a face on a log. Maybe now that Stormy has let you see and pet one of her kittens she'll baring them back home. She definitely knows and loves you. Hope #2 is okay and you see the whole family soon.

Chatty Crone said...

I wonder where the other kitten was? And won't the little kitten be feral too? What a cute story - you sure do like Stormy there.

Lisa said...

You did a great job on the walking log. You always amaze me with you talent.
Now about Stormy. Her little kitten is so cute. I am glad you finally got your hands on one. I am surprised that there are not a lot of cats wondering around there. Their biggest threat are the hawks.

Hope you find "thing 2" soon.

Mevely317 said...

Love the walking stick, Jack! At first, I thought it resembled a snake; now, a benevolent rhino. :) Gotta keep this short as the computer's trying to circle the drain. Love y'all!


how sweet seeing you, stormy and her kitten. you looked like you had alot of fun.