Saturday, October 31, 2020

Myra said…..

  Interesting Cars:

A little late, but a touch of automotive Halloween!


For today:

No matter if it is a comment or a blog entry, many times I read something that sticks with me. I enjoy the logic and wit of the folks who read and comment on my blog.

I have been beat the last couple days.  Since we are not in anyone place year round, we do not have cable or wired internet. We do NOT watch TV as a rule, so we try to make do with just the ‘flat’ modern day ‘Rabbit Ears’.


Here in Leesburg we are just ‘out of range’ for that little flat antenna, so I ordered an outside antenna. I installed it today. WE raised a 22 foot steel antenna.  I say we, I tried by myself but could not raise it. I asked my girl and with her help, it is up.

I buried the cable. I had to remove some underpinning to get access to run the wire.  I was so surprised when I slid under the trailer to look to my left and there was Lucy up on one of the pillars that support the motor home. She was just 4 feet from me and never moved. I talked to her most of the time while under there. She never ran off.

WE show 79 channels; plenty of TV, LOL. I did notice GRIT. Son Mark counts on that when visiting, he loves ‘em old cowboy movies.

As I sat down to write this I thought of what Myra said yesterday. “Something  about In the past thinking we were ‘BULLET-PROOF’,” immune to the maladies that had hit so many others.  YEAH, I am guilty.  I am learning I am not ‘Bullet-proof’, old age removes some of the shields that protected me, evidently youth might have been one of them. LOL

And to y'all that read, thank you for taking the time to stop by our house.  Life is good.

                             Nite Shipslog

PS Cats eating on two levels! Lucy gave me 'THE EYE."


Mevely317 said...

Well, this title sure got my attention! Careful there, you're going to scare some folks. (LOL)
Anyway. I LOVE how you persevere. And when the going gets tough you're not too proud to call in your best helper. :)
Where there's a will, there's a way. (Right, Sherry?)

PS - Having a dickens of a time this morning getting my comments to stick. So if it duplicates, that's why.

Susie said...

Jack, You are probably in better shape than most your age...count your blessings. Yes, I absolutely hate not having the strength I had just two short years ago. Too much sitting around at hospitals while Ted got treatments. So he and I are trying to get back in the groove here. Yikes. It may be too late but I am not going to stop trying. My mom used to say, if you don't keep moving you will stiffen up. No kidding mommy. I am wishing you and Sherry the very best. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Glenda said...

Love your new home, and thanks for the patio shot, it looks like a very relaxing place ~ if you EVER slow down, OMG. Now you've got Sherry installing an antenna, God Bless Sherry!
Sending a quote I read today from an elderly man on his deathbed "I will never mortgage the present moment for something better in the future". I know you two are mortgage averse and it makes me so happy to know that even though y'all have taken the necessary steps to "slow down" you live and love in the present! I'll be there for your 100th birthday parties!!!
Love and hugs from Chobee, Glenda

betty said...

You had a great helper with Sherry!! Ingenious with the antenna and then the amount of stations you were able to get! I think we are all weary this year with everything that has happened. They (the so called experts) says there is election fatigue this year and Covid fatigue this year. Add that to the fact we have aging bodies and its no surprise its difficult sometimes to get something done we could have done before. Just pace yourself and rely on your excellent partner and you'll do great Jack!


Lisa said...

Wow I bet you can communicate on Mars with that antenna! Haha .
Sounds like yall are getting settled in good. The cats are good for keeping any critters away and out of your house.


Dar said...

Jack, you never cease to amaze me, you and your lovely bride, Sherry. I don't think there isn't much the two of you can't accomplish. So wonderful. Just this evening while playing cards, I was trying to simply keep score and I had a dickens of a time seeing. I had to constantly take off my glasses until Eric gave me his readers to try over top of my glasses. Well, I'll be, if that didn't do the trick. Only thing is, I sure don't want to go around wearing two pair of glasses !!! And these are my new glasses...I don't get it sometimes. I don't like quick change, first my hearing and now my eyes. Just gotta accept it. The cats look happy to be your friends. Glad you can get so many channels., most of which you probably won't watch. lol
loven'hugs from up north where the temperature is up in the 50's but the wind makes it quite frigid.

Chatty Crone said...

I bet you are almost 100% in better shape than most men your age.
Nothing you and Sherri can't do together.
79 tv channels - that is enough!
Good job.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My kids put in a window antenna here it sits in the window and is hooked to the tv and really worked good I get two of our 3 local channels and PBS too. Nice not to have to pay for tv and I like seeing the local news.