Monday, December 12, 2022

HIS Creation

 One of a kind

Donald Duck's car a real creation and of course: One of a kind!

Now for Today:

There are many opinions on creation or the beginning of time and the human race. Personally I lean to the scriptures point of view, God did it and I hold one caveat ;-) …. Later in the scriptures it is stated that God has no time limits, a day is a thousand years and a thousand years is a day…..

So I am not discussing how long the creation took, I personally don’t care, I do believe HE did it and did a fantastic job…

You have seen amazing things in your life. You actually don’t have to go far to see wonderful, fantastic, marvelous and beautiful things in our world.

Just give it a thought, Steering clear of the fantastic human body’s ability to exist, is there something that just baffles your mind in nature?

For me?  I was raised on the East Coast. We made many trips to the Appalachian Range. I thought those sights were tops, until I traveled West and saw the Snowcapped Rocky Mountains, I was blown away.

Canyon walls cut by a river

Below is a view from one of our flights over the  Western mountains.

There are the amazing beautiful clear springs throughout our country that START rivers, producing millions of gallons a day.

Then the Caribbean and Mediterranean so clear you can see 150 feet down.

Giant Glaciers of the North/South.

There is no end! YOUR interests decide opinions. But still The Rocky Mts blew me away….

What part of this wonderful World Yanks you Chain?


Nite Shipslog



Chatty Crone said...

Oh Jack - I could not agree with you more. If you look anywhere, you can see God's handiwork - compare it to the wires you see out there that are manmade - we just don't have the ability to make things beautiful like HE does.

Mevely317 said...

What an interesting poser! Off the top of my head, I'd have to say the Rocky Mountains ... even the Austrian Alps. We're sure blessed to have eyes to see all His glory.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What part of this wonderful World Yanks your Chain?

Life. The fact that we create a new life time and again. Whether human, animal, fish, birds or plants.

And then ... there are those who say it all happened by accident. A big bang somewhere or some other incident.

God bless, Jack and Sherry.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

God's beauty is to be found everywhere. The simplest flower, even a dandelion can blow me away!I'm with you believing God created it all. What a wonderful world we live in.