To begin: Sticky is out only a couple weeks, He has his first review. By whom? (Big drum roll…!...,.!)
...!!...!! Lindie! !! !!
Wonderful, she was the first person to comment on my journal and now the first person to review the book. Thanks Lindie..That was great!
Today’s entry:
I am reading headlines.. “The man who was going to govern from the middle is picking some sharp partisan elbows”
“The Man who was going to bring in folks that were not part of the establishment, is hiring the establishment left and right.”
“New Administration Looks like the Clinton Administration.”
Lord help us, they need a story and will make one whether there is one or not. Am looking at a honey moon gone sour already?
I hear the First Dog bit a Reporter, good for him.
A reporter down here in Florida quoted a black woman: “I don’t have to worry about gas now, Obama gonna get me some gas, I won’t have to pay the rent, he is gonna pay that too.” Now is that quote worthy of print? NO! It is divisive. And the statement is ignorant. I did not like it.
What I am trying to say is, let’s try to use some common sense on what you hear and read. Keep listening. Sometimes they are just a step above Jerry Springer, they need something to bleed, so they will find someone to cut. The highest profile makes the best target. You know the media axiom “If it bleeds it leads!”
They won’t beat the corpse too long, before they will look for new targets. Obama’s administration is next. I remember reading some Hillary fans on their blogs say Obama is a fake, unpatriotic. I would stay home before I would vote for him. One of those bloggers now says Obama is the Saviour and it would take a nut not to give him a chance.
On the other side during the primaries I read on a forum: “McCain is a misfit, a liar and pro abortion, I am a lifelong Republican, but if McCain is the Nominee I will vote for Ron Paul.” Later I read the same man say, “If you don’t vote for McCain you cannot be a Christian!”
WE find it hard to keep our mouths shut sometimes. Most folks knew if Hillary lost they would back Obama. On the other hand folks knew if Huckabee (or whoever) did not win they would back who ever the nominee was. Why do we feel we have to be so nasty?
I have never known a time I was not proud to be an American. A couple times I was ashamed of my president and some congressmen (from both parties), but NEVER have I been ashamed to say I am an American!
Folks this is the greatest country in the world….God Bless America!
Nite Shipslog
Now that I have said that, two days after the election was my steady’s birthday. I had the rare privilege to see some movies of her from 1985-86, I married a beautiful lady. I got a little mad though, I was there, I had hair and a black beard back then. Ha!
Perks of reaching 50 or being over 60 and heading towards 70!.
Things you buy now won't wear out..
You can eat supper at 4 pm. .
You can live without sex(?) but not your glasses.
You get into heated arguments about pension plans.
You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
Whoever is President I do anything I please. They let me live and protect me.
I love living and being an American. I am proud
that a lot in our family gave their Service to keep the freedom. Our Brothers, husbands, cousins, uncles, nephews.They were Navy and
Brother just remember we were not born this age.
I must be very dense. I can't understand why President elect Obama has to have a dog if he didn't have one before. Huh? God Bless America
Hey Jack! that is poetice justice for lindie to be the first to comment, lol
i have never ordered anything online. mailnly cause i dont have a credit card. but my daughter has and she will be reading my copy of Stick and posting a commenton amazon for us both. we are both named june . she has now taken the name of juni instead of junie to pay tribute to me!!! what a gal! as the great Sticky is known to say" life is good" lol jun
happy belated birthday to Sherry!! so glad someone reviewed your book already!! haven't gotten it yet, but I'm expecting it in tomorrow's mail; looking forward to reading it. It was funny sad to read people's blogs about their take on the candidates before the election; I dumped a lot of journals who bad-mouthed McCain and Palin when I was journal cleaning these past few weeks; I respect the fact that it was their journal and they were entitled to write what they wanted, but I exercised my right to choose what I read, so that was one of my first criterias when I was trying to reduce my close to 140 blogs I followed.
good entry Jack!
Yep, great entry! Hope you don't mind if I throw in a little :::giggle::: at part of one of the paragraphs you've written here lips were zipped and still are..better backtrack here and say I'm pretty sure I know where that came from. Yeah, the media can come up with some dandy's can't they? Anything to come up with a headline. Off the subject..I like what you've done with your sidebar, it looks nice.
Sorry I lost you a sale. My oldest daughter begged to read my copy of Sticky and I said she could as long as she gave it back to me cause I will read it again. Lindie
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