I am sorry all my DC pictures are on the other confuser................. A lot of preplanning in this entry huh?
This is not a great time to plan a trip to Washington DC, but a good time to think about it. A real good time to visit is in the Spring when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and before school is out if possible. Traffic is always terrible in our Capitol, but you must drive around at least once when you visit.
Driving is not really a problem (other than 7-9 AM and 4-6PM normal for a big city) unless you are wanting to park, parking IS a problem. It is not impossible to find a parking place, but they are scarce. I could always find one, but usually spent a lot of time driving around. Prepare for a lot of walking, but plan on a great time. If you have never been you will use one of the young folks’ buzz words, AWESOME. Check the net for the most popular places, because you are not going to see it all in a few days.
We were fortunate enough to live there for awhile. I have never liked long commutes, so we found an apartment within walking distance of the Bureau of Naval Personnel where we both worked. The joke is, we walked to work about three times. LOL. But still it was a five minute drive to work. WE carried our lunch and many times in warm weather picnicked on a grassy hill overlooking Arlington Cemetery and the Pentagon, in view of the Patomac River.
The absolutely must sees are the Smithsonians. Only natural wonders such as the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, etc surpass these. It is hard to walk through one in a day, much less appreciate it. It cannot be explained you must see it. A visit to the Capitol building is good, if you know when it would be good to stop in and see one of you representatives. Write and get an appointment. (I have never done that, but I hear it is simple.)
I have never been in the White House, Sherry has (you will need a pass for that, probably find out how on the net). Jimmy wanted me to come down when the Farmers were in the Mall protesting, but I was busy. LOL
Another must see is the Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorials. If you are up to it walk up the Washington monument, if not take the elevator. I had to go by the Iwo Jima Memorial. A heart breaking one is the Viet Nam memorial, you should see it.
Sherry Like the Mint, I did not go the whole time we lived there, I heard they quit giving out free samples so I turned down the chance. LOL
I will think of more, but those are off the top of my head.
Nite Shipslog
Perks of reaching 50 or being over 60 and heading towards 70!
01. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
02. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.
03. No one expects you to run--anywhere.
04. People call at 9 pm and ask, did I wake you?
05. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
06. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
Driving is not really a problem (other than 7-9 AM and 4-6PM normal for a big city) unless you are wanting to park, parking IS a problem. It is not impossible to find a parking place, but they are scarce. I could always find one, but usually spent a lot of time driving around. Prepare for a lot of walking, but plan on a great time. If you have never been you will use one of the young folks’ buzz words, AWESOME. Check the net for the most popular places, because you are not going to see it all in a few days.
We were fortunate enough to live there for awhile. I have never liked long commutes, so we found an apartment within walking distance of the Bureau of Naval Personnel where we both worked. The joke is, we walked to work about three times. LOL. But still it was a five minute drive to work. WE carried our lunch and many times in warm weather picnicked on a grassy hill overlooking Arlington Cemetery and the Pentagon, in view of the Patomac River.
The absolutely must sees are the Smithsonians. Only natural wonders such as the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, etc surpass these. It is hard to walk through one in a day, much less appreciate it. It cannot be explained you must see it. A visit to the Capitol building is good, if you know when it would be good to stop in and see one of you representatives. Write and get an appointment. (I have never done that, but I hear it is simple.)
I have never been in the White House, Sherry has (you will need a pass for that, probably find out how on the net). Jimmy wanted me to come down when the Farmers were in the Mall protesting, but I was busy. LOL
Another must see is the Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorials. If you are up to it walk up the Washington monument, if not take the elevator. I had to go by the Iwo Jima Memorial. A heart breaking one is the Viet Nam memorial, you should see it.
Sherry Like the Mint, I did not go the whole time we lived there, I heard they quit giving out free samples so I turned down the chance. LOL
I will think of more, but those are off the top of my head.
Nite Shipslog
Perks of reaching 50 or being over 60 and heading towards 70!
01. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
02. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.
03. No one expects you to run--anywhere.
04. People call at 9 pm and ask, did I wake you?
05. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
06. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
You gave a nice tour but you left out Mt. Vernon my favorite. You must have your photos in some kind of order. I can never find one I want. I haven't traveled a lot but my daughter lived at Fort Belvoir for a while. You are correct it takes time to see The Smithsonian. we didn't see it all in three days.
I never lived in the area, closest I came was New Jersay! But my daughter did and we visited many times. I never was not thrilled to be there (except for the year my husband had a heart atack and we spent a week at Bethesda!)Everyone should visit our nation's capital. Lindie
Jack what a great comment you left on my blog! but thats to be expected coming from you, i wish you would run for president, i WOULD get off my fat heiney and vote for you in a heartbeat! lol
please , please tell mr. sticky hello for me! i feel I already know him and when that books comes out , I will definetly be checking him out ! lol jun
Brother you sure have been around. When we
lived in Bel Air, Maryland we were very close.
I got close when visiting you in DC. You know me I am not fond of traveling. We were Routed through there when 95 was closed for an accident. I visited the Raleigh State Capitol in the 8th grade. LOL
Brother you sure have been around. When we
lived in Bel Air, Maryland we were very close.
I got close when visiting you in DC. You know me I am not fond of traveling. We were Routed through there when 95 was closed for an accident. I visited the Raleigh State Capitol in the 8th grade. LOL
my sister lived just outside Washington DC. We visited her back in 2005; I loved the area!! we used the Metro to get around and I think we just drove one time into the city; the rest of the time we drove the Metro (we were hicks then from Montana we thought that was the best thing since sliced bread). I loved the Smithsonians and best of all they were free! we loved the zoo too! it was a great trip; thanks for helping me remember how wonderful it was :)
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