Dr. Mark J. Perry, a professor of economics and finance at the U of Michigan, has done a study comparing the compensation packages of UAW workers against that of those of college professors, and, well, you can guess the results... .
Question..If we are paying our Auto workers so much, why don't we have a car that is twice better than the Rolls, Mercedes, BMW or even the Honda?
I hope I have the graft above. When I read the results of my search I was astounded. Thanks UAW for sinking the greatest industry I the world, founded in part in the USA. Workers earning more than a Doctor or teacher? No doubt they appreciate it, but is it reasonable? Should an auto worker earn more than a farmer or rancher who works from sun up to sunset? Should an auto worker earn more than a scientist that puts a man on the moon? I don't think so. I read the other day the UAW said no more concessions. So drive the country into a recession. Even Toyota is paying a ridiculous amount. Come on now, do you think that just because a person can put a fender on, or a dash in place deserves more than your young doctor who just completed 8 years of school. That school that he or someone sacrificed to pay for?
More than an engineer?
More than a Policeman?
More than a Fireman?
More than the skipper of a Navy ship or Submarine commander?
Crap! Now the country is being asked to provide money to get the once largest corporations in the world out of trouble. Common sense tells you that if we bail them out, they will be back in the hole in a few months or years paying those wages. The Union killed the steel industry, they killed the textile industry, now they have killed the Auto industry. And they talk about corporate America's greed. There is enough blame to go around. Someone should talk with some sense.
Please reopen the steel mills, please reopen the textile mills we need jobs in America other than paper pushing jobs for imports. I hope some wise person with the where withal to spread the word is thinking this. Surely they are.
I wish I hadn't got mad, I had a funny to put on here.
Thanks for coming, come back when I am not so mad.
Nite Shipslog
Who was it said, "Look what a mess you have got us into____?" (Ollie?)
Speculators who bought houses raised the price 20% & put it back on the market to cover what they were losing on the Stock Market are also to blame.
The building industry who went from 10 – 20% profit margin to 40% helped fuel the fall also.
Not the least was people who could not afford it, fell sucker to the creative financing and bought over their heads to be up with the Jones'.
The above are my opinions, if you disagree, you are free to express that here.
I am behind the times, but I KNOW you cannot build a house, stay in business, and pay those wages above.
Come back to the Shipslog tomorrow. I have enough laughs to make up for everything else.
just come back to see this!
Hi Jack, some things just need to be said...and you said it well. Hope you are doing well and that 'Sticky'is selling well. Sheila
Love your ENTRY Oh I forgot it is INTRY. Can I
use either are the one in the dictionary.
Where do I send the check to bail the Auto
Industry out of the hole. Remember Jim wouldn't drive but an Amrican Car and here I am
in a Honda. But thats OK Steve is driving the
American Car and JJ said he loved it. So it is
still getting a work out. On the road again.
You only speak the truth Jack...
you can't be happy all the time Jack...it's okay to be mad every now and then and of course you know we will keep coming back for more!
Have a good weekend
Can we redo the election? I vote for Jack. Its a good lookin' cow even if it ain't from Texas.
wow!!! I learned something new today! I think we all have a reason to feel a bit mad with the way some businesses have been run and the money being given to them or possibly given to them to get back on their feet
I think it was stan who got ollie into a fine mess.
Thank you for keeping track of all this important stuff for us Jack. Lord knows i cant make heads or tails of it. jun
OK Jack,
"Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it." I worked for AMC/ Chrysler for over 30 years and I would know the truth about such things. The Unions are both 'good AND bad' and I have seen them keep 'abusive drunks' on the job when they should have been fired. But without the Union, the company would still be working us to death and abusing us, paying us $1.50 / hour as they still do in Mexico -- and no benefits. I also know the history of Big Auto Plants, companies that just crapped all over it's workers. I doubt if ANY doctor or professor could do one day's work on the assembly line! But, academically, the unions in the USA are pretty much washed up/ dead now anyway. And many employers can pay slave wages again. And how about letting foreign auto companies flood our market with cheap cars, while in places like Japan and China- they restrict our products?? Hello.
On the other hand, asking all those billions of $$ for a 'bail out' is just plain wrong. Did YOU vote for Obama, the pro-abortionist? Just curious.
Just my humble opinion.
Tom Schuckman
Disabled Vietnam Vet: 68-70.
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