We very seldom think of how close our lives are together, it is just something we love and enjoy. Not everybody is cut out for it. I know it is not a new buzz word, but we do not mind being together 24/7. There are folks who do not know they cannot live together this close who fall by the way side. It was 1956 and we were in love in a small trailer at Camp Geiger Trailer Park, it was 8x26. Some happy hours there, I want to tell you. Our last house was 1400sqft with a 1400sqft basement. I lived and worked in and out of the basement and Sherry had the upstairs to herself most of the time. WE do not miss it at all.
WE only need a place to sleep (and play), a place to eat, a place to play with this computer. We have even upgraded, Sherry has her own PC on the other side of the kitchen table. We have a small living room for company and a TV in the front and the back, that we never watch. The view changes every few weeks, days or on the spur of the moment. For us there is nothing like this freedom of travel.
I am old enough to give advice on retiring now. Listen to a wise (?) old man. You can retire on a shoe string and travel if you do not owe anything. If you do not want to travel, if you do not have a hobby, if you and the mate get on each other’s nerves when you are around too much, my advice is never retire and work until you die or are bed fast. You will be happier. If you feel you are just burned out, take a long vacation (couple months) then go back to work.
If your hobby is expensive, make sure you can afford it in retirement. There are options for those who just want a change of scenery. Retire from the day job and take on lower pay less stress enjoyment jobs. Maybe be a regular volunteer. I understand that hospital volunteers get some hospital ins., I don’t know. But check out the many options. If I were going to stay put in retirement, I would try school for Art, or writing. DO NOT RETIRE BLIND, you will be a very miserable person I have met a few. Believe it or not the counselors I talked to likened it to a death in the family for many.
So be Happy, pick what is right for you. Thanks for coming this way.
Nite Shipslog
Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin ?
Why women can't put on mascara with their mouthclosed?
Why don't you ever see the headline 'PsychicWins Lottery'?
Isn't it amazing how young and thin people looked in the 50's?
enjoyed the pictures!! you guys make such a great looking couple; in the past and continuing now into the future :)
great advice for retirement; years away for us I fear
(thanks for finding my new blog; there's a story behind it I'll be sharing down the road :)
take care of Sherry
Great entry....
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