Very few people will get this close to the Eiffel Tower in Paris and not climb it, but we did. We thought it was too cold.

Never a dull moment. We leave our former pastor and his wife and head for Wildwood Florida today. He felt a little off the proverbial center at lunch today. He has an appointment for a check up and oil change today. I thought about driving his motor home to his home but he seems ready to do that himself.
I installed our new printer scanner for this computer. I made a place for the older printer behind a lounge chair. WOOPS! That is where Sherry puts her flower arrangement while we are underway. Really, balancing space in the unit is rough sometimes. Sherry bought a couple outfits to wear on our CRUISE coming up. I am looking forward to the cruise, except for the dress up night I hear they always have. Well this old salt Ain’t wearing no ‘Dress Canvas’ on a civilian ship.
Really I am looking forward to a cruise on a non-working basis. I should be forty years younger. Sherry could have enlisted and we could have served aboard ship together. I would have stayed in the Navy fifty years if they would have allowed me to have Sherry in my Seabag.
Anyway thanks for all the comments and encouragements on my first Novel Sticky. It has been accepted so well I have started another called Rags. When I say so well, not a one has sold, but it was published. HA!
Don & Evelyn made it down and are over in Melbourne Voting. Yeah today is the day. Who is going to lead this country will be known tonight probably. I always have to laugh, who ever loses will be gracious and say how wonderful the winner is, he will lead us into the ___ century or where ever. Yesterday he was an SOB today is okay! Amazing huh? That is politics.
I said it and I will say it again, whoever gets the job, I hope he is the best president this country has ever seen. And if it ain’t your guy, don’t bitch and moan, he cannot ruin this great country no matter what we think of him. We have the greatest Country and system in the World, no one man can take us down the toilet. Well that is my opinion.
Nite Shipslog
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
Maybe they will lose your luggage then they can't make you dress up for dress up night. That happened to my sister and her husband. They did let them in. I would have thought the Eiffel Tower too high to climb.
my opinion too and even though my man likely won't get in, I'm resolved to pray for the new president dilligently daily for his success and the success of America
good pictures; I don't blame you for not wanting to climb the Eiffel Tower if it looked cold; why risk being uncomfortably cool that high up
safe travels
Well wear your Navy Uniform if you can get in
it. Ask for room service on that night. Looks
like on a ship is would be casual all the time. This is just to please the ladies. Go in your Birthday suit so they will ask you to leave. Tell them you are ill and ask to be served on the deck for all time sake. Brother you look good in a suit or whatever you put on. You be the Captain.
Well I guess they can't throw you overboard if you don't show up 'dressed'. Sherry might, but not the captain. Hope you share some pics when you get back. Where will you be leaving out from?
Take care, Sheila
I am so jealous...where are you going on your cruise? I want to go on one someday....have the time of your life!!
Great pics...
I like the title of this entry, would be nice if it was that easy, lol. Didn't know they had a dress up night on a cruise I would have thought everything would be casual. Learn something new everyday.
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