I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you guys who come by to read this drivel. Thanks. You know there are a lot of educated and informed people who Blog. There are a lot of great ideas out there of how to get us out of the economic mess we are in. I don’t know if our new President will hear them or not.
If you are a person who has been trained by the government to BLAME someone, Forget It! There is enough blame to go around. BLAME does not fix a thing. BE REAL, we have had a congress up there that is supposed to be smart. THEY are supposed to oversee and correct a president if he is wrong. Neither branch of government has been doing it’s job, FOR YEARS!
I have enough sense that everything I say here is light weight. The problems that face us are of gigantic proportions. Can we get out of it? Yes we can! This Nation came out of the GREAT DEPRESSION. We are survivors. Every day I wonder how bad is it really? How will it affect my family?
My parents lived through the great depression, it was no fun as they described it. We should be better prepared than they were. Are we? I don’t know.
One thing that they had going for them, they did not have a lot going into the depression, so they did not expect a lot.
Today it is MUCH worse on that level, we have folks who still expect to have every convenience, and not have a job. I read here on AOL,” with no jobs we still want our toys!” WE are silly to the extreme! We may find out we will be happy to eat.
I am no genius but I can fish to eat. There are enough squirrels to feed our family. WE will survive, but what about the inner city. There is no fishing, no hunting. Could it get down to the survival of the fittest? I certainly hope not.
Join with me, say a prayer for our president and the congress. Right now is no time to BLAME. It is time to FIX.
I hope we come through this as one large family, the USA!
God Bless our Country, from the bottom of my heart, God Bless our country.
Nite Shipslog
This situation is serious.
There are intelligent people who can PROVE this whole problem is BUSH’s!
There are intelligent people who can PROVE this problem can be laid at BILL CLINTON’s feet.
There are other educators who can PROVE this problem we face is every bit Ronald Reagan’s fault!
There are still others who can PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt it is Jimmy Carter’s fault.
Still there are a few that BLAME Johnson & the GREAT SOCIETY!
Others that can PROVE it is the JEW who has brought us to this!
If you are a Democrat you can easily BLAME the Republicans.
If you happen to be a died in the wool Republican you can blame the Democrats.
If you are a person who has been trained by the government to BLAME someone, Forget It! There is enough blame to go around. BLAME does not fix a thing. BE REAL, we have had a congress up there that is supposed to be smart. THEY are supposed to oversee and correct a president if he is wrong. Neither branch of government has been doing it’s job, FOR YEARS!
I have enough sense that everything I say here is light weight. The problems that face us are of gigantic proportions. Can we get out of it? Yes we can! This Nation came out of the GREAT DEPRESSION. We are survivors. Every day I wonder how bad is it really? How will it affect my family?
My parents lived through the great depression, it was no fun as they described it. We should be better prepared than they were. Are we? I don’t know.
One thing that they had going for them, they did not have a lot going into the depression, so they did not expect a lot.
Today it is MUCH worse on that level, we have folks who still expect to have every convenience, and not have a job. I read here on AOL,” with no jobs we still want our toys!” WE are silly to the extreme! We may find out we will be happy to eat.
I am no genius but I can fish to eat. There are enough squirrels to feed our family. WE will survive, but what about the inner city. There is no fishing, no hunting. Could it get down to the survival of the fittest? I certainly hope not.
Join with me, say a prayer for our president and the congress. Right now is no time to BLAME. It is time to FIX.
I hope we come through this as one large family, the USA!
God Bless our Country, from the bottom of my heart, God Bless our country.
Nite Shipslog
This situation is serious.
There are intelligent people who can PROVE this whole problem is BUSH’s!
There are intelligent people who can PROVE this problem can be laid at BILL CLINTON’s feet.
There are other educators who can PROVE this problem we face is every bit Ronald Reagan’s fault!
There are still others who can PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt it is Jimmy Carter’s fault.
Still there are a few that BLAME Johnson & the GREAT SOCIETY!
Others that can PROVE it is the JEW who has brought us to this!
If you are a Democrat you can easily BLAME the Republicans.
If you happen to be a died in the wool Republican you can blame the Democrats.
First let me say I love the picture of Sherry and Esie Mae. A good entry that really makes me think and scares me to death too. I think of so many young people who have had it so easy in their life. How are they going to cope? I pray when it comes down to it they are stronger then I think. God bless America.
I worry for my kids... I think we will make it through but they want every new thing that comes along..... and go in debt mostly to get it... Not a good way to live usually. My parents taught me better I guess through their experience of the depression and I stil remember what the second war was like... we can tell them what to do but they don't seem to listen.... that is whos fault it is I guess... the ones that want everything without waiting for the money to be earned first
Some scary thoughts...but it's reality...all we can do is pray and hope for the best.
Love the pics..Elsie Mae is just adorable!
I just received a good E-mail about the blame game. No one takes responsibility any more it
is always some else fault. One paragraph said
if I die while my old wrinkled ass is parked in front of this computer I want all us to blane
Bill Gates, okay? Don't take any responsible.
Your family can sue Bill.
so sweet pictures!! Elsie Mae is soo adorable!!! you know what I blame? I don't blame a person or a group or people or an administration, I blame greed; that is what it all comes down to. a lot of people, myself included, made some really bad money decisions to keep up with the Joneses, to buy a piece of the American dream etc with an income that couldn't buy that piece or couldn't keep up with the Joneses and now its impacting every single one of us in some way or another. then we've thrown away the Lord; we kicked him out of school, we've tried to redefine what marriage is; we've killed countless of unborn babies and we wonder why he's not blessing America like it used to be blessed. I'm praying for our new president every single day, praying for him for wisdom, etc. I just think we are going to have a lot of hard times before it gets better again but I think its going to take a lot of people humbling themselves and a lot of repenting and a lot of prayer
Honestly, I feel it is much worse than most folks think it is. I think it's gonna be a long road to recovery. All we can do is pray and hope we move ahead instead of moving backwards. We've been in that unemployment line and believe me toys were the farthest thing from our minds. Frankly, it's very depressing. Right now several states are running out of unemployment funds, how that happened I have no idea my guess would be misuse of funds, one of those states is KY. The strange thing for me to comprehend is when they came out with these figures a few weeks ago while so many are losing their jobs the top sector of hiring right now is in government, doesn't make logical sense to me. Unemployment figures are quite misleading they only show how many folks are still drawing funds it doesn't show how many folks who are no longer allowed to draw these funds and are still unemployed. Locally folks don't know if they will have a job from one day to the next it's quite scary and you wouldn't believe some of the crap our local officals see as top priorty. I'm not educated so I guess I better quit my bickering, haha.
Time we stopped blaming and took steps to correct our little corner of the universe! It seems overwhelming so just take steps to help someone and tell them to pass it on. Lindie
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