This RV park has announced the enactment of Third Saturday Yard sales. Now I can put the TV out. I can go thru and get stuff I have carried and accumulated thru three RV’s. I have extra light bulbs for each RV. I have several adaptors and some books. I can dig up some more stuff I am sure. (Sherry is donating clothes& coffeepot +)
(BTW we are taking the preacher out to lunch and Shirl is paying (From NC))
I tell a lot of things that are unbelievable, my wife calls them lies. My preacher says it is my Blog, my stories (he is diplomatic). This one is true:
Are you familiar with the Denver Boot? It is a clamp of sorts that fits over a tire on a vehicle to prevent its being moved. A violinist in the Denver Orchestra designed it. It was first used in Denver to crack down on habitually illegally parked cars. Now the story.
A friend asked me if I would like to attend a city auction of impounded vehicles. This was in DC. For the fun of it I went one Saturday morning. There were over a hundred cars. As the cars were auctioned a locksmith was available to make keys for the cars at a price once they were bought. Most went for a hundred dollars or less because you are buying a ‘pig in a poke’. You cannot look at the vehicle to see if it has an engine or start it to see if it runs. They are just moving the vehicles out. There were three obvious ‘Pimp Mobiles’, fuzzy interiors, gangsta white walls, continental kits etc. My friend said watch one of those guys over there in the long fancy coats buy this one. One did for $75. The locksmith made a motion to make a key the guy smiled showing a mouth full of gold, and held up the keys he had taken from his pocket. Got in started the car and drove off.
Do you understand that? I didn’t. My Friend explains. You can run up 2 and 3 thousand dollars in parking tickets in this town. Once you owe so much the police put a Denver Boot on the vehicle. If the owner does not contact them in a day or so, they tow it in, and after the appointed time it becomes DC property to sell. The men in the know get another ride until their car is auctioned, they buy it for $75. They have their car back and the tickets are wiped out. After being told that, I watched as several people did the very same thing. Amazing!
Gotta know the system, to save money.
Nite Shipslog
"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer
‘Sticky’ the book, is still available at $11 inc. shipping. On this Blog, you can see the review at:
Yes I have heard of the boot. but I still learn something from your blog! Not that I get parking tickets! Lindie
The check is on the way. I didn't want you to wait while I read two or three pages at a time. lol Like the pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
I was holding your granddaughter Reece Cup.
I was such a sweet baby not a mean bone in my
body. The same still holds true for today.
If I would get my car towed it would be my luck someone would bid and buy it and I would be left out. I can't believe there is a way to get around our system. People will not take personal responsibility.
What a cute baby picture of Shirl. We want call your tales lies...just the truth as Jack sees it...ha. You both have a great day, Sheila
I spelled 'won't' wrong...ha
Shirley always has a tender side; I loved the pictures!
so cute about the Denver Boot; never heard of that, but it makes sense that they would re-buy make the cars so to speak! got to "beat the system" somehow sometimes
I had a friend that had the Denver Boot he moved to Denver got a ton of parking tickets got the boot and got it towed to this day has never seen the car again. His parents were not thrilled
Sherece aka Reececup
Shirl is quite the classic beauty!
how in the world could someone rack up so many Tickets? I have never gotten one.since I dont drive anymore I suppose my record will remain intact.
but it was an interesting story anyway. we can always count on you to enlighten us!
I love both of these pictures of Shirl. From the look on her face in her baby picture she must have just been told she had a baby brother, hahaha.
I've heard of the boots but never knew about how some folks beat the system. Guess there's a way around everything if you're a crook.
HAHA@ Moms comment about Shirl being told she had a baby brother...too funny!
Shirl is a very pretty woman..and I am glad to know her =)
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