This one of the Root ladders we climbed today. We have traded the rocks and birches for roots and Pines.

The following pictures should be first. They are when we were leaving New Hampshire.

The view from our picture window. The mountains of maine approach.
We are entering Maine.
I loved this old hotel that had been converted into a service station and an INN.
We drove by the beautiful Androscoggin River for miles. Canoers and rafters enjoying the day.
Confucius Says:

The view from our picture window. The mountains of maine approach.

Back in the STratten/Eustis area...
We ate at a Diner in Stratford, Maine this morning. I went to the head (toilet to you land lubbers).When is the last time you saw an 'eye and hook' latch? They got one in the head. I loved it. Brought back so many memories of mama saying, “Jackie, did you latch the screen door?”
We ate at a Diner in Stratford, Maine this morning. I went to the head (toilet to you land lubbers).When is the last time you saw an 'eye and hook' latch? They got one in the head. I loved it. Brought back so many memories of mama saying, “Jackie, did you latch the screen door?”
They don’t have loaf bread in the diners up here, everyone bakes their own, it is tooo good!
We are outta here until we find a signal again.
We are outta here until we find a signal again.
Nite Shipslog
Confucius Says:
Man with one Chopstick go hungry.
Man who scratch butt Should not bite fingernails.
Man who eat many Prunes get good run for money.
I had to do a double take on this one, Jack and Sherry. I read you saying "I don't know where to begin" and then I caught "Flagstaff" (not the Maine part) and I'm thinking how did they end up in Arizona????? then I looked again and say the Maine part (chuckle chuckle)
loved Evergreen! wow! hiking alone! you are right gumption!
loved the road work sign; someone's attempt at humor perhaps?
and the grandmother who hiked the whole trail, wow!!
all wonderful adventures for the two of you! something to remember and think about and talk about in the middle of winter when hiking will be a distant memory
You two met some great folks. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Beautiful scenery. Helen
Do you realize just how much you have stored in your brain, and not to many people get that opportunity. You better quit snapping pictures of Sherry's behind, You are missing out on Shirls cantalope. You should be very proud of her. Please take care and enjoy. Winter is closing in.
I don't know where to begin...such beautiful nature to see, so much fresh air to breath, such joy of life to read..
Thank you for sharing.
Maine look beautiful and peaceful. Love seeing the people that are walking the trail. I have 15 cantaloupes on the vines out front in the sloping natural area. Now 14 cut one Sat. Three more are ready to cut. This is a funny sight. Cantaloupes not even in a garden spot. I just planted 2 plants. You know whos uncle gave them
to him and he said he did not have a good spot
so that is how I ended up with them. I have pictures and witnesses to prove my story.
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