An entry of contrition:
I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass.
I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass.
I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass.
I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass. I will not talk about stupid city/county codes. I will cut my grass.
But like the kid standing in the corner for throwing rocks. “On the outside I am standing in this corner, but on the inside, I am still throwing rocks."
Now y’all play nice!
Nite Shipslog
While shopping for vacation clothes, a husband and his wife passed a display of bathing suits. It had been at least ten years and twenty pounds since she had even considered buying a bathing suit, so she sought the unsuspecting husband's advice. 'What do you think?' she asked. 'Should I get a bikini or an all-in-one?'
'Better get a bikini,' he replied. 'You'd never get it all in one.'
He's still in intensive care.
Scripture taken from Jack 1:2...Ignorance cometh before the fall.
I will never talk about bathing suits. I will never talk about bathing suits. I will never talk about bathing suits I will never talk about bathing suits. I will never talk about bathing suits. I will never talk about bathing suits. I will nev…………………………………………
I would like for you to have the bike but I feel the sculpture should be left as it is. To complete it is to alter history and ruin the story.
I am laughing to hard to comment except we learn the hard way don't we!!!!??? I do anyway but thanks for the laugh.
That's why I sent me wife to do the shopping on her own. Hope you didn't get any problems about talking about county codes publicly.
I saw Crazy Horse when we visited Mount Rushmore back in probably 1999/2000. I think it would be neat to see it completed; perhaps they should have taken some of the federal money offered; everyone else these days seems to want to take it
now I have to go back and read your comments from yesterday's entry to see if anyone "ragged" on you for talking about city codes and not cutting grass; frankly, I'm glad I have 20 y/o son to cut ours!
You sound like a broken record. Sherry is thin enough she can wear any type bathing suit she wants. Me now thats another story.
Did I read the blog correctly. You are going to
cut your grass. Remember when you are home you
cut my grass and do a darn good job. If we didn't follow some of the codes it would look like Ringling Brother's Circus, people living in
tents, Hardee's next door and I would have to
open the gate everytime somebody wanted to buy
a hamburger. Glad you decided to cut your grass,
what grass? You are to funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go Shirl!!!!
Hi Jack...and Sherry....and sorry Jack...but I gotta agree with Shirl...if we didn't have such laws (and I do believe some are carried to the extreme) our neighborhoods would be a real mess...and I for one wouldn't mind living next door to a Baskin and Robbins Ice Cream place...others would be offended!!!!! LOLOL..and the way I look at it...if the neighbors checked out WHY the grass wasn't cut...and maybe got the teens in the neighborhood to help out...instead of jumping the gun and calling the law...feelings all around would be much happier...but then it has been my experience that the tv nor media of any sort are not interested in "good will towards men/women"...!!!!! and I do hope the "bathing suit hubby" gets to feeling better...LOLOL...I quit wearing a bathing suit when Omar the tent maker went out of business years ago LOLOLOL...hang tough little man...hugs toyou both from Ora in KY
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